
Public Education

  • Free public education for poor children

    Free public education for poor children
    Pennsylvania state constitution calls for free public education but only for poor children. It is expected that rich people will pay for their children's schooling.
  • First public high school in U.S opens

    First public high school in U.S opens
    First public high school in the U.S., Boston English, opens.
  • Massachusetts passes a law making all grades of public school free of charge.

    Massachusetts passes a law making all grades of public school free of charge.
    Massachusetts passes a law making all grades of public school open to all pupils free of charge.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson decision. "Seperate but Equal"

    Plessy v. Ferguson decision. "Seperate but Equal"
    The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the state of Louisiana has the right to require "separate but equal" railroad cars for Blacks and whites. This decision means that the federal government officially recognizes segregation as legal. One result is that southern states pass laws requiring racial segregation in public schools.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.

    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
    The Supreme Court unanimously agrees that segregated schools are "inherently unequal" and must be abolished. Almost 45 years later in 1998, schools, especially in the north, are as segregated as ever.