Public Education

  • 1st Established Schools

  • Old Deluder Satan Act

    Required every town of fifty or more families hire a primary school teacher for young children, and that towns of one hundred or more families appoint a Latin teacher to prepare promising young men for entrance into Harvard College, where they would be educated for ministry.
  • Fined for not having knowledge

    Anyone who had children under their guidence who had not learned to read and write by the age of 12 or learned a useful trade was charged a five-pound fine per child. (Massachusetts Bay Colony)
  • Dame Schools

    Around this time dame schools were invented. (Widows or women whose children had grown would take a few local children and teach them basic lessosn in reading, writing, and arithmetic)
  • Social Order for an American Identity

    Education was based on social classes and ethnic groups: Education was limited to privileged sons and daughters of plantation owners. Slaves were prohibited from learning to read. Plantation children received private tutoring or were sent to boarding schools.
  • Schools in Michigan Territory

    School buildings from property taxes
  • Great Equalizer- Horace Mann

  • The need for common school was realized- Mann

  • School Committee Law

    Schools have to have committees
  • Egg Crate Schools

    The design of schools have been made to look like egg crates
  • Morrill Act

    Huge boost to education in America. Land was given, but then to be sold to get money for a college to be put in the state. Justin Morrill wanted to provide education to all social classes.
  • The intersection of Gender, Race and Class

    The story of Charlotte Forten: First African American graduate from Salem Normal School. She devoted her life to improving the lives of her own oppressed people.
  • Carlisle Indian Industrial School

  • Hatch Act

    Money was given to make agrilcultural experiment stations and then to pass on the information.
  • 2nd Morrill Act

    Included African Americans and Confederates in the first Morrill Act
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    The Plessy decision set the law that "separate" facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional as long as they were "equal".
  • Woman teachers are paid less

    More women were becoming teachers, but being paid less. They loved women teachers becaues they were more caring teachers and were able to be paid lower than the average male.
  • Teachers in early America

    Paid little, worked for a few months a year, and had many responsibilites outside of just teaching.
  • Booker T Washington & Du Bois

    Washington: thought keeping blacks seperate for education was good and would prepare them for realistic employment so they could establish themselves as contrivuting members of society. Du Bois: wanted equal education for all kids, even those of white children at the highest social classes
  • Snyder Act

    Indian history and culture should be taught in dame schools
  • Fair Labor Standars Act

    Helped structure a work week, minimum wages, reduce child labor.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Declared seperate schools for blacks and whites unconstitutional.
  • One room schools in the U.S.

  • National Defense Education Act

    Strengthened math/science
  • ESEA

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Equal access to education and establishes high standards and accountability. The law authorizes federally funded education programs that are administered by the states for primary and secondary education.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    Reorganized the structure of immigration laws
  • Free Schools movement

  • First Labor Union for Teachers

  • NCLB

    No Child Left Behind