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Wilhelm Wundit
Beginning of psychoogy, established the first psychology lab -
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Edward Bradford
Introduction of Wundit's structure, many of which were misinterpreted. Pshycology was established as an experimental science -
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William James
Known as the father of American psychology, James introduced pragmatism, functionalism, and the theory of emotion -
Mary Whiton
Mary was known for her self psychology and invented the P.A.T. ( paired association technigue ) -
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Sigmund Freud
Founder of psycholoanalysis, theory of psychosexual development, the Id, the ego, the super ego, and dream interpretation -
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Margret Floy
Published "The Animal Mind", and invented the motor theory. Both led to more knowledge of human and animal psychology -
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B.F. Skinner
Established a new brand of behaviorism. This became to be known as radical behaviorism -
John B. Watson
Set the stage of behaviorism, which rose to dominae pychology -
Ivan Pavlov
Introduced the concept of classical conditioning. This is studied by every entry level psychologist -
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Abraham Maslow
Founder of the driving forces behind the school of thought, theories including hierarchy of needs, self actualization, and peak experiences -
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Carl Rodgers
Came up with different theories. Client centered therapy, concept of actualizing theory, and the concept of the fully functioning person -
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Jean Piaget
Theory of cognitive developmen. Provided support for the idea that children think differently than adults