Individual Differences in Visual and Auditory Reaction Times
Wilhelm Wundt read his paper on the topic to a congress of German scientists in a meeting in Speyer. -
Edward Bradfor Titchener promoted his interpretation of Wundtiam experimental Psychology called "Structuralism" in the United States. -
First Demonstration Laboratory
First demonstration lab founded by William James. -
"Principles of Psychology"
"Principles of Psychology" by William James was published in 1890 -
Fist Woman PhD
Margaret Floy Washburn became the forst woman with a PhD. She attained this PhD from Cornell University. -
Refused a PhD at Harvard for being a Woman
Mary Whiton Calkins completed informal doctor exams at Harvard but not recognized for a PhD because she was a woman. -
Pavlov's Dogs
Ivan Pavlov brought the conditioned reflex to the attention of the scientific community. He later won a Nobel prize for his accomplishment in 1904. -
First Woman President of the APA
Mary Whiton Calkins was the first woman president of the APA.