387 BCE
nature -
335 BCE
nurture -
René Descartes
primary philosophical reading about the mind; the mind controls the body through the pineal gland in the brain, dualism. -
Franz Mesmer cure for mental illness, originally called mesmerism and known as hypnosis -
Philippe Pinel had the idea that a persons skull shape and placement of the bumps on the head can reveal personality traits -
On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin explains his view on evolution an oh his "Survival of the fittest theory" -
language development
Paul Brocca French physician discovered an area in the frontal lobe responsible for language development -
first psychological laboratory
Wilhem Wundt founded the first laboratory of Psychology in Leipzig -
first Psychology laboratory in America
G. Stanley hall at John Hopkins -
personality theory
Sigmund Freud began performing therapy marking the beginning of the personality theory -
Period: to
school of psychologyproposed by Sigmund freud, understand human behavior -
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school of psychology Wilhem Wundt. Structuralism used introspection methods to identify elements or structures of psychological experience -
school of psychology main goal was to understand why animals and humans have developed the particular psychological aspects they currently posses -
Interpretation of Dreams
Sigmund Freud published "Interpretation of Dreams" marking the beginning of Psychoanalytic Thought -
British Psychological Society
The British Psychological Society was founded -
Classical Conditioning studies
Ivan Pavlov publishes the first studies on classical conditioning laying the foundation for behaviorism -
Freud is accused
Alfred Adler left Freuds psychodynamic group accusing him of overemphasizing sexuality and basing his theory on his own childhood -
Psychology as a Behaviorist views
John E. published "Psychology as a Behaviorist views" marking the beginning of behavioral psychology -
Ananlytical psychology
proposed by Carl G. Jung after departing ways with Freudian views -
The Theory of Psychoanalysis
Carl Jung publishes "The Theory of Psychoanalysis" introducing his ideas on the collective unconscious and archetypes -
Little Albert
exposing a child to fearful stimuli in the presence of objects that do not elicit fear themselves can lead to fearful behavior towards the object. Conducted by John B. Watson -
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school of psychology study of behavior coming from the premise that's not possible to study the mind -
Rorschach inkblot test
projective psychological test developed by Herman Rorschach to asses personality traits and psychopathology -
Anna Freud
daughter of Sigmund Freud publishes her first book expanding on her fathers ideas in the treatment of children -
The Moral Judgement of Children
Jean Piaget published "The Moral Judgement of Children" -
Behavioral Therapy
Skinner outlined behavioral therapy, lending behavioral support for behavioral psychology via research in literature -
Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow helped found the Humanistic Psychology and later developed the Hierarchy of Needs -
Cognitive Psychology
school of psychology science is influenced by technology -
psychological model of depression
Aaron Beck published a psychological model of depression suggesting that thoughts play a significant role in the development and maintenance of depression -
The Practice of Behavior Therapy
Joseph Wolpe published "The Practice of Behavior Therapy" -
American Association Society
American Association Society was established -
concept of emotional intelligence
Daniel Goldman popularizes the concept of emotional intelligence in his book "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" -
Martin Seligman
Martin Seligman becomes the president of the American Psychological Association and elevated Positive Psychology to the forefront