psychology assignment

  • Phrenology

    the practice of examining bumps on a person’s skull to determine that person’s intellect and character traits—became a practice in the United States
  • Inheritable Traits

    Inheritable Traits
    biological traits passed from parents to children, influences abilities, character, and behavior. Galton traced the famous ancestors of various eminent people and concluded that genius is a hereditary trait
  • Functionalism

    studied how animals and people adapt to their environments.
  • Contemporary Approaches

    Contemporary Approaches
    Are approaches to the study of psychology. The most important approaches to the study of psychology today are the psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, biological, and sociocultural approaches.
  • Behaviorists

    behavior, even apparently instinctive behavior, is the result of conditioning, or situational training, and occurs because the appropriate stimulus is present in the environment.
  • Gestalt Psychology

    Gestalt Psychology
    Gestalt psychologists studied how sensations are assembled into perceptual experiences.
  • Sociocultural Psychologists

    Sociocultural Psychologists
    tudying the influence of cultural and ethnic similarities and differences in behavior and social functioning.
  • psychoanalyst

    was to be objective; he merely sat and listened and then interpreted the associations.
  • Cognitivists

    focus on how we process, store, retrieve, and use information and how this information influences thinking, language, problem solving, and creativity.
  • Humanists

    They beleivethe environment and other outside forces serve as a background to internal growth. The humanistic approach emphasizes that each person has a unique individual identity and the potential to develop fully. fe.
  • Psychobiologists

    study how the brain, the nervous system, hormones, and genetics influence our behavior. PET, CT, fMRI, and MEG/MSI scans are the tools used by psychobiologists.