Psychology 212

  • Birth

    I was born
  • Infancy: Sleep

    As an infant my sleep routine and hours were pretty normal. I was not bad about not going to sleep. I stuck with a routine and got plenty when needed.
  • Infancy: Physical development

    Gross motor skills were developed with the encouragement to crawl and walk. Fine motor skills developed playing with legos.
  • Infancy: Attachment style

    As a kid, I was insecurely attached. I did not care much at all when the parent left the room. l liked to do my own thing all the time.
  • Infancy: Cognitive development

    My parent, during the sensorimotor stage, played a big role during this time. They helped the basis of my understanding of the world. For example, since visual and manual coordination did not line up my parents helped me line it up with teaching me not to suck my thumb.
  • Infancy: Temperment

    As a kid, I had a high surgency. I was a very happy child and was very approachable. I never really met a stranger.
  • Early childhood: Strategies for language

    My parents would sit and do puzzles with me, or anytime there was something on the tv or a picture they would relate it to making me talk. They used visuals all the time to help with correlating my words to the world.
  • Early childhood: Physical development

    I was encouraged to play softball at a young age and this helped with gross motor skills. Also during this time I was coloring and ad started to write letter and numbers to help with fine motor skills.
  • Early childhood: First memory

    My first memory was with my best friend since childhood. I remember being in first grade sitting in car line and this girl sat in front of me and told me she lives in the red house right beside mine. I didn't believe her until I saw her that same week and we were inseparable since.
  • Early childhood: Cognitive development

    During the preoperational stage as they were teaching me language with pictures, they were helpful in connecting elements in this stage.
  • Early childhood: Attachment style

    As I grew and started going to school I still had no problem being away from my parents. Most days my sister would pick me up and I loved it. Also, I would always want to go play with my friends until the very last minute before going home.
  • Middle/late childhood: Physical development

    During this time I started to cheer, this correlated with my gross motor skills. Therefore, I did a lot of exercising like running and stretching. My fine motor skills developed through my work ethic in school. We did typing exercises, painted and learned cursive.
  • Middle/late childhood: Memory

    As a kid, my memory was not great. I was very forgetful and relied on others to help me find stuff or help me remember what to do. I did not and no one helped me improve my memory skills during this time.
  • Middle/late childhood: Attachment

    My attachment during this time was worse than normal. I was going through my parents getting a divorce and I really didn't understand why. It affected me in a negative way because i shut myself out from my parents for a little while. I did not want to be around them near as much.
  • Middle/late childhood: Sleep

    I feel like during this time I did not get much sleep as needed. I liked to always watch tv and would not fall asleep when i was supposed to, however, i did sleep later than normal but my sleep routine was not what it was supposed to be.
  • Middle/late childhood: Emotion

    Through my childhood both of my parents were emotion-coaching. They never dismissed my emotions, they always made me work through them and deal with them whether its on my own or with someone else.
  • Adolescence: Coping with stress

    As a younger teenager I didn't really understand how to cope with stress. I would take my anger out on my parents I think because they were divorced and I was mad at the situation. Also sometimes it helped to be by myself.
  • Adolescence: Sleep

    I slept a lot during my teenage years and entering high school. I would finish all my work at school and go home take a 3-hour nap, get up eat dinner and shower, the go right back to sleep before 10. I slept as much as i possibly could, but i remember being extremely tired all the time.
  • Adolescence: Puberty

    I was 15 years old when I hit puberty. I feel like I was behind in this development because everyone I was around hit puberty way before me.
  • Adolescence: Memory

    As I transitioned from one school to another it helped a lot with memory. The school I changed to was a lot more challenging than my old one so I really had to work hard for good grades. In my English class, she made us memorize the notes we took in class, vocabulary words, and even notes for writing papers.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive development

    At this time I was being challenged at my new school. I was introduced to a new way of learning and trying to catch up with new peers was a challenge but in the long run changing to a more challenging school has helped me greatly in college.
  • Early adulthood: Big Five test

    The test did accurately describe me. I have pretty much stayed consistent in the way I explore my surroundings. I have not changed much except my attachment with parent and coping with stress.
  • Early adulthood: Coping with stress

    I deal with my stress in a different way than when I was a teenager. If I am stressed now I like to run, or take a long hot shower, basically do something to take out my stress, not on people. Taking it out on people does not help anything.
  • Early adulthood: High school graduation

    Early adulthood: High school graduation
  • Early adulthood: Started UAB

    I started UAB and this impacted me positively even though it was a new step in my life I was taking. I had an easy transition.
  • Early adulthood: Death

    I lost my dad on my 19th birthday. This was the first time a major loss in my family has occurred.
  • Early adulthood: Identity

    I feel like I relate to identity achievement. I know who I am and I don't plan on changing. I struggled after losing my father, however, the same me has remained.