Prenatal Development and Birth
The day that I came into the world. From then on, I would pick up on things as well as things that were brought from inside the womb. I will have very few memories that I am able to carry on in future life. -
Period: to
Life Span
First Two Years
By age two the brain has developed to two-thirds of what it will weigh by adulthood and has increased to five times the density it was at birth. - I started to remember my first memomries, such as laughing with my parents and splashing in the water. I also started to remember and match voices and faces. -
First Two Years
Physical development during the first two years creates easily noticeable changes in appearance. While at birth I appeared top heavy with my head approximately one-fourth the body length, by age 2 the length of my body has become more proportionate and is roughly half of my soon to be adult height. - I was a very disproportionized looking child. -
First Two Years
I started to think by using my senses and motor skills during the first period of cognitive development. - I started to pick up on things like where things were in my house and how to get around certain things. -
First Two Years
In the first two years, we develop many emotions during this period. I started to realize my likes and dislikes, what got me angry and happy. -
Play Years
I started to notice my body changing. I was slowly but surely reaching my teenage years and all of the physicalaspects of me were coming along. -
Play Years
Language and imagination started to evolve. - I took my first trip to lebanon which abled me to extend my knowledge of my home language. My logical skills were some what starting to develop as I starting to react and think differently than I did as a child. -
Play Years
growing up, I started to grasp the feeling of what emotions can do to the mind and body. Certain aspects and encounters that took place in my early life, caused grief and pain that took a toll on my body as well. I lost my grandfather as a young girl and the pain the came along with it was unforgettable. because it was my first true experience dealing with real pain. -
Middle Childhood
Throughout my middle years as a child, I was going through very extreme physical and emotional changes. With emotions, I found my first crush. Biosocial:
The physical changes that occured were those of a female around the age of 11. -
Emerging Adulthood
By my sixteenth birthday, I believed I have evolved and grown to accept all of the things that make me who I am. Biosocial:
I was happy with myself physical as well as my surroundings. Psychosocial:
I was happy with how content I was and the way things seemed to be going in my life. Cognitive:
My brain was finally adapting and wrapping itself around the fact that I was growing into an adult and my life was altering. -
By late adulthood, I believe that I will become a certain way. Biosocial:
my health will start to become an issue. Psychosocial:
I will hopefully be married with kids, allowing me to be content with my life and happy. Cognitive:
I will know better atthis stage than I had ever in my previous years. -
Late Adulthood
By this age, I will have passed my peak and started to begin at my lowest point. Throughout late adulthood, I will slowly but surely age and the process of the aging brain will occur. At this age, you would think that many people would be smarter and wiser. This is when psychosocial, cognitive and biosocial development come into play. For many years we will come to terms with our bodys giving up on us, as well as our mind playing tricks on us which will be very hard to overcome. -
Death and Dying
I believe that this will be around the time that I will pass, as long as I keep up with good health.