Franz Mesmer described "animal magnetism", which is an invisible natural force in all living things that could work as a healing agent. In 1774 during a magnetic treatment with a female patient, Mesmer felt that he perceived a fluid flowing through the woman’s body whose flow was affected by his own will. If the flow of this fluid is obstructed, you would have emotional or physical problems. -
Justinus Kerner combined some elements of animal magnetism and exorcism in healing his patients. Exorcism is the religious practice of evicting demons from a person's body. This is done by invoking the name of a higher power or performing a ritual. -
Psychology is Established
Independent of Psychiatry -
Psychoanalysis- a system of therapy which aims to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association (saying whatever is on your mind). Freud begins offering therapy in Vienna, Austria. -
Period: to
Gestalt Therapy
This approach was developed by Fritz Perls. It focuses on insight into gestalts in patients and their relations to the world and often uses role-playing to aid the resolution of past conflicts. Clients are encouraged to re-enact past events in their lives. Clients are asked to experience your feelings rather than just talking about them. -
Client-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers believed that the therapist should be non-directive. That means that the therapist should not pass judgment or offer solutions. This is a form of therapy promoted by humanistic psychologists. Therapists should show an attitude of grace at all times towards their clients (unconditional positive regard). -
First Edition of DSM
Created by the APA Committee on Nomenclature and Statistics -
Behavior Therapy
B.F. Skinner and his colleagues came up with a form of therapy in which people could learn adaptive behaviors and get rid of maladaptive ones. Systematic Desensitization- Exposing yourself to unpleasant stimuli until you are no longer uncomfortable Aversion Therapy- Useful for battling addictions. Pairs the addiction with an unpleasant stimulus in order to create an unpleasant association. Modeling and Social skills training- Learning good behaviors by observation. -
Rational Emotive Therapy
This is a short term form of therapy that helps you identify self-defeating thoughts and feelings. Then, you challenge how rational those thoughts/feelings actually are and you change them into more positive thoughts/feelings. Albert Ellis began teaching this method. -
Viktor Frankl was a Holocaust survivor that developed a theory that stated that it is through a search for meaning and purpose in life that individuals can endure hardship and suffering. When we can't change a situation, we are forced to change ourselves. 3 core properties: everyone has a healthy core, primary focus is to enlighten others to their own internal resources and provide them tools to use their inner core, and life offers meaning but does not promise fulfillment