Psyche Timeline

  • Tabula Rasa

    Tabula Rasa
    John Locke introduced the concept of "tabula rasa", the belief that the mind is like a "scraped tablet" at birth that's formed and develop from our own experiences/environment.
  • Hypnosis was introduced

    Hypnosis was introduced
    Franz Mesmer detailed his cure for some mental illness, originally called mesmerism, but now widely known as hypnosis.
  • Considering better treatments for mentally ill.

    Considering better treatments for mentally ill.
    Philippe Pinel released the first mental patients from confinement in the first large-scale movement for more considerable treatments involving those with mental illnesses.
  • Introduction to Phrenology

    Introduction to Phrenology
    Franz Gall wrote about phrenology, or the idea that the shape of a person's skull and the placement of the bumps on their head can reveal their personality traits.
  • Personality and the Brain

    Personality and the Brain
    Phineas Gage suffered brain damage when an iron pole pierced his brain. His personality changed but his intellect remained intact. This suggested that a part of the brain plays a part with a person's personality.
  • Language Development

    Language Development
    French physician Paul Broca discovered an area in the left frontal lobe that plays a key role in language development.
  • First Psychology Laboratory

    First Psychology Laboratory
    Wilhelm Wundt opened first experimental laboratory in psychology at the University of Leipzig, Germany.
  • Foundation of Functionalism

    Foundation of Functionalism
    William James published "Principles of Psychology". This later became the foundation for functionalism.
  • Introducing Clinical Psychology

    Introducing Clinical Psychology
    The first psychological clinic was developed at the University of Pennsylvania. This marked the birth of clinical psychology.
  • Behavioral Psychology Introduced

    Behavioral Psychology Introduced
    John E. Watson published "Psychology as a Behaviorist Views It" introducing the concept of Behavioral Psychology.
  • "Shockingly" new therapy

    "Shockingly" new therapy
    Electroshock therapy was first used on a human patient
  • Psychology considered as a Profession

    Psychology considered as a Profession
    The state of Connecticut passed licensure legislation for psychologists, becoming the first state to recognize psychology as a protected practice oriented profession.
  • Childhood and Society

    Childhood and Society
    Erik Erikson published ‘Childhood and Society,’ expanding Freud’s Theory by including social aspects of personality development across a lifespan.
  • Cognitive Dissonance

    Cognitive Dissonance
    Leon Festinger proposed his theory of "Cognitive Dissonance" and later became an influencial figure in Social Psychology.
  • First Psy. D Program

    First Psy. D Program
    First Doctor of Psychology professional degree program in Clinical Psychology was established in the University of Illinois
  • First Doctorate in Psychology was awarded

    First Doctorate in Psychology was awarded
    Nothing else to really explain here...

    American Psychiatric Association published DSM III
  • First Psychological Prescription (Feat. U.S. Military)

    First Psychological Prescription (Feat. U.S. Military)
    First Psychologists prescribe medication through the U.S. military’s psychopharmacology program.
  • Psychotropic medication legalized

    Psychotropic medication legalized
    New Mexico becomes the first state to pass legislation allowing licensed psychologists to prescribe psychotropic medication.
  • Defined Research

    Defined Research
    President Barack Obama presented the BRAIN Initiative to map out the activity of every neuron in the human brain.