Period: to
Beginnings - Birth
Livonia, MI -
Period: to
First 2 Years (0-2 yrs)
Physical: Walking at 10 months
Cognitive: Language development; talking at 1 year (although my family says right from birth!)
Psychosocial: Attachment to siblings and parents -
Period: to
Early Childhood (2-6 yrs)
Physical: Injuries - I had stitches 3 times already by this time period!
Cognitive: Finally got to start kindergarten:) My brothers were happy about this as I would now stop wanting to do their homework!
Psychsocial: Interested in being a "girl", pretty dresses, nailpolish, etc -
Period: to
Middle Childhood (6-11 yrs)
Physical: Completely immersed in little league sports
Cognitive: School was fun
Psychosocial: Summer was better! Our family vacationed in Ludington every year. We had a different set of friends we would see each summer than the ones from the school year -
Period: to
Adolescence (11-18 yrs)
Physical: Puberty hit on time, & a growth spurt. Still involved in sports, playing on school & travel leagues
Cognitive: A typical teenager, complete with hormones raging & impulsivity! School was a priority & I enjoyed learning.
Psychosocial: My family dynamics changed at this time; my brother died at age 19 (I was 13 & my other bro 15). Sadness, anger & depression were evident, but we survived without any serious complications such as suicide, drug abuse or criminal activity...thx Mom & Dad! -
Drivers License
Period: to
Young Adulthood (18-25 yrs)
Physical: In great shape & continuing to play sports as much for exercise as socializing
Cognitive: College & career building!
Psychosocial: Achieving personal identity, making my own money at my first "real" job. Close with my family, often socializing as friends. Met and began dating my future husband :)
Truly an enjoyable time in life...opportunities everywhere! -
H.S. Graduation
Period: to
Adulthood (25-65 yrs)
Physical: At 40 now & seeing signs of aging, but staying healthy - gym 3x's/wk. Sports revolve around kids now, not mine
Cognitive: Realize the smartest thing a person age 20 can do is listen to someone age 40. Experience is the best teacher. Still enjoy learning & never too old to go back to school...as evident by RN degree just obtained
Psychosocial: Marriage, career, kids! Parents age, get sick & need care...mine passed away 4 yrs ago (4 mos apart to the day)
(Future goals in next section) -
Built our 1st Home
Moved to Alaska
Nursing School Graduation
Period: to
Late Adulthood (65-death)
Future Goals:
Physical: Stay healthy! Continue to exercise daily and eat right
Cognitive: Cognitive decline is a concern, but plan to stay active(still working?) & social. Hope I will be as wise as my Mom was...many people often sought her advice
Psychosocial: Will be married almost 40 yrs by now. Plan to seek enjoyment & fulfillment from my relationships with my family and long time friends. Travelling is a must; my husband & I do travel often now and will continue