Psych Timeline

  • 387 BCE

    Brain is suggested for mental functions

    Brain is suggested for mental functions
    Plato suggested that the brain is the mechanism of mental processes.
  • 335 BCE

    Mental process is in the heart

    Mental process is in the heart
    Aristotle suggested that the heart is the mechanism of mental processes.
  • Personality is an area of the brain

    Personality is an area of the brain
    Phineas Gage suffered brain damage when an iron pole pierces his brain. His personality was changed but his intellect remained intact suggesting that an area of the brain plays a role in personality.
  • Evolution

    Charles Darwin published the On the Origin of Species, detailing his view of evolution and expanding on the theory of ‘Survival of the fittest.’
  • Frontal Lobe effect Language

    Frontal Lobe effect Language
    Carl Wernicke published his work on the frontal lobe, detailing that damage to a specific area damages the ability to understand or produce language
  • Psychology is a seperate science

    Psychology is a seperate science
    Wilhelm Wundt founds the first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany. The event is considered the starting point of psychology as a separate science.
  • First psychology professor in the U.S

    First psychology professor in the U.S
    James McKeen Cattell becomes the first professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Better understanding of interrelationships

    Better understanding of interrelationships
    Sir Francis Galton developed the technique known as the correlation to better understand the interrelationships in his intelligence studies.
  • Foundation for functionalism

    Foundation for functionalism
    William James published ‘Principles of Psychology,’ that later became the foundation for functionalism.
  • Mental Tests

    Mental Tests
    The term “Mental Tests” was coined by James Cattell, beginning the specialization in psychology now known as psychological assessment.
  • American Psychological Association is Formed

    American Psychological Association is Formed
    G. Stanley Hall forms the American Psychological Association (APA), which initially has just 42 members.
  • Birth of clinical psychology

    Birth of clinical psychology
    The first psychological clinic was developed at the University of Pennsylvania marking the birth of clinical psychology.
  • Law of Effect

    Law of Effect
    Edward Thorndike developed the ‘Law of Effect,’ arguing that “a stimulus-response chain is strengthened if the outcome of that chain is positive.”
  • Interpretation of Dreams is published

    Interpretation of Dreams is published
    Sigmund Freud publishes Interpretation of Dreams.
  • Intelligence Test published in France

    Intelligence Test published in France
    Alfred Binet’s Intelligence Test was published in France.
  • Behaviorism studies

    Behaviorism studies
    John B. Watson publishes Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It. The work helped establish behaviorism, which viewed human behavior arising from conditioned responses.
  • Analytical psychology formed

    Analytical psychology formed
    Carl Jung begins to depart from Freudian views and develops his own theories, which are eventually known as analytical psychology.
  • Fear can be conditioned

    Fear can be conditioned
    John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner published the Little Albert experiments, demonstrating that fear could be classically conditioned.
  • The nature of love

    The nature of love
    Harry Harlow publishes The Nature of Love, which describe his experiments with rhesus monkey's on the importance of attachment and love.
  • Observational Learning

    Observational Learning
    Albert Bandura first describes the concept of observational learning to explain personality development.