Born in Harrisburg Hospital, Pennsylvania. This is the moment in time we come into the world, starting our lives. -
Erikson 1: Trust vs. Mistrust (early infancy)
"Is my world predictable and supportive?" -
Grasping Reflex
This is action of the infant grasping tightly when the palms are touched. This reflex generally fades after the first three months of life and is completely gone after the first year. -
Rooting Reflex
This is when the cheek is brushed, the infant will turn it's head and opens their mouth - beginning to suck. This reflex fades generally after the first four months. -
Ifancy (until around 12 months)
There are multiple different stages of infancy, of which follow: -
Freud: Oral Stage (first 18 months)
Infant's pleasure seeking focused on the mouth. -
Babinski Reflex
This is when the baby's toes flare, pushing against the stimulus. This tends to fade by the two year mark. -
Sensorimotor (0-2)
In this stage the infant explores the world through direct sensory and motor contact. Object permance and seperation anxiety often develope during this stage. -
Erikson 2: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1-3)
"Can I do things myself or must I rely on others?" -
Freud: Anal Stage (1.5 - 3)
Infant's pleasure seeking centered on functions of elimination. -
Childhood (3-12)
Erikson 3: Initiative vs. guilt (3-6)
"Am I good or bad?" -
Freud: Phallic Stage (3-6)
Infant's pleasure seeking focused on the genitals. -
Kohlberg 1: Obedience and Punishment
"I don't steal cookies because mommy would get mad at me" -
Preoperational (2-6)
In this stage the child uses symbols (words and images) to represent objects but does not reason logically. The child also has the ability to pretend, the child is egocentric. -
Kohlberg 2: Instrumental relativist
"For a cookie, I will clean my room." -
Latency Stage (6 years to puberty)
Sexual thoughts repressed; child focueses on developing social and intellectual skills. -
Concrete Operational (7-12)
In this stage the child can think logically about concrete objects and can thus add and subtract, the child now understands conversations. -
Formal Operational
The adolescent can reason abstractly and can think in hypothetical terms. -
Erikson 4: Industry vs. Inferiority (6-12)
"Am I successful or wrothless?" -
Adolescence (begins approximately around puberty)
Adolescents are in Piaget's final stage. They are often egocentric and very indecisive. Generally, this is the time when children start to pull away from their family and spend more time with their friends. -
Kohlberg 3: Good boy/Nice girl
"I don't misbehave because my teacher doesn't like it." -
Erikson 5: Identity vs. role confusion (early teens)
'Who am I?" -
Kohlberg 4: Law and Order
"I don't steal because it's against the law." -
Kohlberg 5: Social Contract
"I don't steal because society has made a law against stealing. (The law benefits society.) -
Summer '13
It's the summer where I will be 18 and hopefully a memorable one, for good reasons(:
- Senior Week
- Lifeguarding -
This is where we move on from what we've known and start a new chapter. -
Kohlberg 6: Universal Ethics Principle
"I don't steal because it is wrong." -
Genital Stage (Puberty to adulthood)
Sexual desires are renewed; individual seeks relationship with others. -
Brother's Graduation
This is when our parents will fall into the "empty nest" stage. -
College Graduation
This is when you enter the real world and start looking for the job you will end with. -
Buying First Home
This is when you are completely on your own and dependent on yourself. -
Erikson 6: Intimacy vs. isolation (young adult)
"Shall I share my life with someone or live alone?" -
Early Adulthood (20's)
We make the transition slowly and it is generally blurred but this is the time when we start fixing our own mistakes, being considerate of others, and taking on large responsibilites. -
Getting Engaged
This is hopefully the moment when you choose who you are going to spend the rest of your life with. -
This is when you commit to who you are going to spend the rest of your life with -
Having Children
This is when you are fully responsible for someone other than yourself. -
Erikson 7: Generativity vs stagnation (middle adult)
"Will I succeed in life?" -
Middle Adulthood (50's)
This is generally when the mid-life crisis is common. This is when adults reach the middle of their life and they are contemplating on what it is like getting older, can they still do the same things? Some try to recover their youth, and "feel young again." -
Erikson 8: Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Older Adult)
"Have I lived a full life?" -
Old Age
Old age onsets when one starts to lose independence; becoming more reliable on the people around them for support.
Alzheimer's - This is when dementia appears and the mind starts to slip. -
Death is the final stage of the life process. When coping with death one generally follows the five steps of the grieving process.
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance