psych project

  • Period: to

    Erikson- Mistrust vs Trust

    Erikson says that in this stage, children will learn to either trust another to provide things such as food and warmth for them, or they learn to mistrust others to care for them.
  • Period: to

    Piaget- Sensorimotor Period

    According to Piaget, in this stage, most action is reflexive and most perception is centered on the body and the external, physical environment.
  • birth

    I was born around 4 am, and weighed approximately 8 pounds. My first word was "dada". According to Erikson, my parents proved their trust to me, so I had no problem trusting them to provide for me. According to Piaget, I focused only on physical things around me.
  • Period: to

    Erikson- Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    Children learn to be more dependent and self-efficient in things such as walking, talking, and going to the bathroom.
  • Period: to

    Piaget- Preoperational (Preconceptual)

    Children are more self centered, ask more questions, more exploring, and have a more rapid language development. They are more involved in pretend play, language development, and egocentrism.
  • Period: to

    Erikson- Initiative vs Guilt

    Kids want to be more like adults and accidentally overstep boundaries set by parents, which causes the children to feel guilty.
  • Period: to

    Kohlberg- Preconventional

    Children begin to develop a sense of morality based on good or bad, and a system of punishments.
  • Period: to

    Piaget- Preoperational (Intuitive)

    The children learn to include others in their environment. They speak more, and use their words to express their thoughts.
  • preschool

    I went to Edward's Road preschool K3-K5. According to Erikson, around this time, I tried to be self-sufficient and to explore and figure things out on my own. According to Piaget, I was more self centered and learned more quickly.
  • little brother born

    little brother born
    My little brother and built-in best friend was born!! According to Erikson, I wanted to be more adult-like and tried to be more responsible, especially around my little brother. According to Piaget, I became more aware of others and included them in my environment. Around this time, according to Kohlberg, my morality was basically based on punishment and lack of punishment when I obeyed.
  • I started homeschool

    I started homeschool
    I was homeschooled all throughout elementary school. I begin to challenge my parent's authority and try to be more dependent. I have a more advanced sense of morality and a more rapid pace of language development.
  • Period: to

    Kohlberg- Conventional Level

    The morality of the children revolves more around following the rules of society and trying to win the title of "good" and keeping law-and-order.
  • Period: to

    Erikson- Industry vs Inferiority

    Children are more competitive and productive, and attempt to master new skills. When others can do certain things better than them, they feel inferior
  • Period: to

    Piaget- Concrete Operations

    Children begin to solve concrete problems and start to understand relationships such as size, right, left, and different viewpoints. They become better at math.
  • Public School

    Public School
    I went to Brevard Middle for 6 grade. In this stage, I became more competitive with my peers and felt inferior if someone could do something better than me. I was better at math and solving problems, and I put all my energy into being a "good" person.
  • Period: to

    Kohlberg- Postconventional

    Our morality begins to consist of standards beyond specific groups or authority figures.
  • Period: to

    Erikson- Identity vs Role Confusion

    Children and young adults try to figure out who they really are. They are confident in their identities or are confused about which roles they're supposed to play.
  • Period: to

    Piaget- Formal Operations

    We use more rational thinking, as well as deductive and futuristic reasoning.
  • came to Shannon

    came to Shannon
    I came to Shannon in 7th grade and have been there ever since. I begin to start to find my identity, but allow the world and what people say of me define me instead of what God defines me as. I become better at reasoning and rational thinking, and my morality isn't based on culture but based on something so much bigger than myself.
  • got my first job

    got my first job
    I was a lifeguard for Sweetwater Pools. It was awful. I begin to find my identity doesn't rest in popularity or the approval of others, but it rests in who God says that I am. I start to see that what society deems as moral is actually immoral in the eyes of God.
  • got my second job

    got my second job
    I became a lifeguard for Greenville County at Otter Creek waterpark. I hated it too. Although, it did help me find my identity in Christ alone and not how this messed-up world defines me. I became more rational and completely reliant on God's standards rather than the standards of the world.
  • brother graduated high school

    brother graduated high school
    I was a junior marshal at my older brother's graduation. So proud of him! My identity became more solid as my future became clearer. My reasoning revolved more around the future as well.
  • Period: to

    Erikson- Intimacy vs Isolation

    We seek companionship and love with another, or we end up being isolated because we are afraid of rejection and disappointment.
  • graduation

    I graduate highschool finally and begin to see my future ahead of me. My goals and my reasons look more futuristic as I become excited for this next stage of life.
  • Start Anderson University

    Start Anderson University
    I start the nursing program at Anderson University! I study hard and start to focus more on my future. I begin to worry about being single my whole life, and start to become afraid of isolation. Thankfully, I have my best friends there with me!
  • I start dating Trevor

    I start dating Trevor
    I meet Trevor Lawrence and we both fall in love. In this stage of life, I seek love and affection, and want a relationship.
  • Trevor Proposes!

    Trevor Proposes!
    I can't believe it! According to Erikson, I sought out companionship and fell in love.
  • Mission trip

    Mission trip
    I go on my first month long mission trip which has been my dream! I start to find my identity in God and put others before myself. I realize that the world does not revolve around me.
  • College Graduation!

    College Graduation!
    I finally graduate Anderson and now can become a real nurse! I want to focus on my family and grow my relationships as well as build up my future to revolve around God.
  • Get married

    Get married
    Mrs. Lawrence! My dream comes true, and my relationship becomes my full priority.
  • first kid

    first kid
    Trevor Junior is born! Building a family takes first place in my life as I seek to take care and provide for my loved ones.
  • twins!

    Our twins, Jane and Joe are born! We are so blessed! My hands are full, but my relationships with my family take first place in my life.
  • Second mission trip + adoption

    Second mission trip + adoption
    I go on my second mission trip, providing nursing help for those in need. While we are there, we adopt our fourth child, James.
  • Move to Hawaii

    Move to Hawaii
    We decide to move to Hawaii after Trevor retires from the NFL. Our family becomes our main priority as we do our best to be good parents and put God first.
  • Period: to

    Erikson- Generativity vs Stagnation

    When we become middle-aged, we strive to contribute to the next generation by creating meaningful work, raising a family, partaking in fun activities, etc, or becoming stagnant.
  • Trevor Jr. Goes to College

    Trevor Jr. Goes to College
    Trevor Junior is off to college! I feel a little sad, but know that this is what has to happen. I feel meaningful because I am proud of my children and the young adults they have grown to be.
  • First grandkid

    First grandkid
    Trevor III is born two years after Trevor Junior gets married. Such a blessing! I feel accomplished after having such a beautiful and successful family!
  • I begin running

    I begin running
    Along with my job as a nurse, I begin a hobby of running. Me and my friends stay in shape and do something meaningful by running together almost everyday and training for 3ks and half-marathons.
  • 2nd grandkid

    2nd grandkid
    Jane has a child with her husband, Bob! I feel so happy as my family keeps on growing.
  • 3rd grandkid

    3rd grandkid
    Joe has a kid with his wife Sarah! I am so blessed with such a huge family!
  • 4th grandkid

    4th grandkid
    James has a baby with his wife Janice. I can't believe it! This family is everything I wanted and more, and feel so accomplished and complete in my life.
  • Period: to

    Erikson- Integrity vs Despair

    Elderly people try to make sense out of their lives, and try to see it as a meaningful whole instead of despairing at goals and questions never reached or answered.
  • We get a dog

    We get a dog
    Me and Trevor adopt a dog because we want an emotional support animal as all my kids are grown up. I desire something to take care of.
  • I retire

    I retire
    I retire from nursing and focus on spending time with Trevor and our dog! I want to be there for my kids and not hindered by other responsibilities.
  • I get arthritis

    I get arthritis
    I get arthritis, but instead of feeling sorry for myself and angry, I am happy for all my body has done for me. I feel proud of what I've accomplished and am satisfied with a life well lived.
  • I join water aerobics

    I join water aerobics
    I decide to make the most of every part of life, and are starting new things instead of mourning lost ones.
  • Trevor passes away

    Trevor passes away
    My best friend dies. But I know that he is in a better place and is happier than he ever could have been on earth. I try to look at this from a happy perspective and celebrate his life instead of mourning it.
  • death

    I get to spend my last moments remembering a wonderful, full life. I am so happy with how my life turned out. Now I get to go see Jesus. I look into the faces of my whole beautiful big family and have never been more grateful. I am so proud of them and of my amazing life that God has blessed me with.