Psych Erikson Timeline

  • Michael Decides School

    B. Michael (age 17) decides to go to a vocational high school to take an automotive program. He is trying to figure out how to have a career path in the automotive field.
    C. In Erikson's fifth stage Identity vs Role Confusion
    D. The crisis between figuring out who you are and what you want to do with your life and just going along with what your parents or peers want and lose a sense of identity.
  • Micheal Gets A girlfriend

    B. Michael (age 24) asks the Flora, the girl he has been dating for a year, to move in with him.
    C. In Erikson's sixth stage of Intimacy vs Isolation
    D. the crisis between letting someone else into his bubble and world vs not letting people in an potentially never having a good connection with someone.
  • Micheal Takes his kid to school

    B. Michael (age 42) Takes his youngest child Tommy who is 5 to his first day of kindergarten. He is finally watching his last kid grow up.
    C. In Erikson's seventh stage of Generativity vs Stagnation
    D. The crisis being between raising his kids and helping them go out into the world for the next generation instead of feeling like he isn't affecting the world in a positive way.