Psych 229 Personal Timeline

  • Birthdate

    Born on 1-13-1995
  • Period: to

    Psych Timeline Project

  • The First Two Years (Biosocial)

    Walking and talking by 10 months (steps and simple words)
    Born with no health issues.
  • The First Two Years (Cognitive)

    Learned how to say simpe words by 10 months and was able to speak small worded sentences by 2 years. by age 2 was still using pacifiers.
  • The First Two Years (Psychosocial)

    Nearing 2 year ark started showing temper tantrums towards mother. Also had mild form of seperation anxiety and being away from parents for too long.
  • Early Childhood (Biosocial)

    Eating more normal foods and was a big eater at this age. Was also becoming more active and spending time running around the house or playing outside.
  • Early Childhood (Cognitive)

    Started attending preschool and eventually kindergarten. Would try dressing like my dad and my uncles at school.
  • Early Childhood (Psychosocial)

    Continued to have tempers and some were worse than in the first two years. Started watching TV and making friends in school.
  • Middle Childhood (Biosocial)

    Began going outside more often and hanging out with friends. Began wanting more things like toys and such. Also began taking more of an interest in sports.
  • Middle Childhood (Psychosocial)

    Lost grandpa to a heart attack. This was my first experience of having to deal with the death of a loved one. Also had my first experiences with bullies at this age and would get into some fights with kids at school. I still would more time during the day outisde and with friends than at home.
  • Middle Childhood (Cognitive)

    Excelled well in school and was usually at the top of class when it came to spelling bees and math quizzes. Started to have crushes on girls.
  • Adolescence (Biosocial)

    Began puberty and started to develop feelings for girls. Also started to gain more wieght due to heavy eating and lack of excercise.
  • Adolescence (Cognitive)

    Got first cell phone and made first social media account (Myspace) Would also get emotional at times and feel like i was bein left out of things among friends and peers.
  • Adolescence (Psychosocial)

    Taking more of an interest in drumming and sports. My outfits consisted of sport shorts and jerseys or jeans and band t-shirts. I also started challenging and fighting with my parents more often. Due to puberty and hormones i also began taking even more of an interest in girls and wanted to experience sex.
  • Emerging Adulthood (Current Stage, Biosocial)

    Began excercising more often and got into first serious relationship. Started using alcohol and smoking on occassions. Became sexually active during this period.
  • Emerging Adulthood (Current Stage, Cognitive)

    Indecisive on choosing a career pathway. I also began attending college and got a job.
  • Emerging Adulthood (Current Stage, Psychosocial)

    Becoming more able to step out of my comfort zone. I am also getting more serious about the relationship i am in (been in it for 2 and a half years), and wanting it to progress further.
  • Adulthood (Future, Psychosocial)

    Beginning to reevaluate life, possibly going through mid-life crisis and thinking of possible career changes.
  • Adulthood (Future, Biosocial)

    Losing hearing from years of drumming and easily becoming tired and feeling worn out. Muscles are becoming weaker and starting to have joint problems.
  • Adulthood (Future, Cognitive)

    Trying to pass on knowledge and wisdom to the younger generation in the family. Also becoming more involved with the community and taking more of an interest in politics.
  • Late Adulthood (Future, Biosocial)

    Admitted into nursing home. Have health issues relating to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Hearing is nearly completely lost. Dependent on the family to take care of self.
  • Late Adulthood (Future, Cognitive)

    Becoming more forgetful and have less of an ability to remember things. Need assistance to complete daily tasks.
  • Late Adulthood (Future, Psychosocial)

    Becoming sad that life has come to its closure but happy for living a great overall life. Getting visits from family members often as they make sure i feel loved and comfortable.
  • Epilogue

    Death at the age of 88