Psych 229 Rough draft #1

By jcorey1
  • Prenetal Development and Birth

    I was conceived.
  • Period: to

    Psych 229

  • Period: to

    Psych 229

  • Prenatal Development and Birth

    I was born at Northwest Chicago Memorial Hospital at 3:50pm. I was an emergency cesarean section, sorry mom!
  • The First Two Years: Biosocial

    I took my first steps on my moms birthday, Happy birthday Mom!
  • The First Two Years: Cognitive

    I said my first words...Unfortunately it was a curse word. Oopsie.
  • The First Two Years: Psychosocial

    I am almost 2, I have a developed a strong attachement to my brother. I cry uncontrollably whenever we drop him off to school.
  • The Play Years: Psychosocial

    I made my first real friend Joey, he lives a few houses down from me.
  • The Play Years: Biosocial

    My mom signed me up for soccer and I loved it; we even got a trophy for participating.
  • The Playe Years: Cognitive

    Today was my first day of kindergarten; I am somewhat nervous because its a new school. I went to preschool though, so I should be okay with the other kids.
  • The School Years: Psychosocial

    I spend all of my free time playing with my brother; he even lets me hang out with him and his friends. Our friendship has become a very important family relationship to me.
  • The School Years: Cognitive

    I love to read. I often get in trouble because I read in class instead of paying attention. I was placed into an advanced reading/writing class.
  • The School Years: Biosocial

    I'm still playing soccer; I was made a goalie because my coach said I had the quickest reflexes on the team.
  • Adolescence: Psychosocial

    I'm finishing up 7th grade. I made a new friend who moved to our school district this semester; Matt. We're still friends today, actually, he lives in my house with my fiancee and I.
  • Adolesence: Biosocial

    I tried out for my high schools soccer team today; I'm continuing to develop speed, agility and reflexes faster than a lot of kids my age; I was able to make varsity my freshman year.
  • Adolesence: Cognitive

    Today I graduated from Chuchill High School. I didn't do as well as I'd of liked, but I did well enough to get in to several colleges. At the time I was kind of a slacker academically....oops.
  • Early Adulthood: Biosocial

    I joined the USMC today in pursuit of my dream since I was a young kid; all my friends joined so I felt I needed to as well. Unfortunately, 2 weeks before shipping to training I had a flare up with asthma, something I had not had issues with for years. I am disqualified from the marine corps.
  • Early Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I proposed to my girlfriend, Lauren, today while we are on vacation in Chicago. I asked her to marry me on the Navy Pier. She said yes! We've been together for 5 years now.
  • Early Adulthood: Cognitive

    Today I've met my life educational goal; I've graduated from Physician's Assistant School. I'm specializing in acute and critical care.
  • Middle Adulthood: Biosocial

    My friends and I have made new years resolutions to do an exercise program together and eat better. I've deveoped high blood pressure despite eating well; it just runs in my family.
  • Middle Adulthood: Cognitive

    After 20 years of practicing medicine as a Physicians Assisant in Critical Care, I've decided to return to my roots of Emergency Medicine. I now work in a busy Shock/Trauma center in Chicago.
  • Middle Adulthood: Psychosocial

    My son Jackson has graduated from college today; he's following in my footsteps and going to PA-C school as well. We're very proud of him.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    I've retired from practicing medicine, though to keep my mind sharp I am a part-time professor for pathophysiology for the University of Michigans PA program.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    I have started feeling very up and down and worried about death. Some days I find it hard to even get out of bed, even though I cannot even sleep. I've been diagnosed with late-onset major depressive disorder; it runs in my family on my mother's side.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I lost my childhood best friend today, he passed away from a stroke. At least I still have the love of my life with me; Lauren.
  • Death

    I am no longer as young and strong as I used to be. I have been developing chronic illnesses over the past several years. Tonight in my sleep my body finally decided it had had enough, and I passed away from a silent heart attack in the middle of the night.