rooting reflex
the baby will suck on anything that it can get its mouth on -
grasping reflex
the baby grabs on to everything and it is extremly strong. orgins when monkeys had to grab on to its mothers back. -
babinski reflex
the baby will push when a pointy object is pushed against the bottom of its foot. -
oral stage
babies gain satisfaction my putting things in mouth. in latter ages could cause smoking, nail or finger biting or thumb sucking -
Trust vs. Mistrust
This is when they learn to trust through loveing, caring behavior or if not to mistrust those around them -
anak stage
focuses on defacating. child is aware that he is his own person. behavior can effect how children deal with athority -
learning to craw
when you learn to craw you can now explore the world and do not need to rely on others to move you -
sesory motor stage
children focus manly on senses and how they interact with the world -
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
this is when if kids are encouraged to do things on there own they will be able to think for themselves. If not then they will doubt themselves -
phallic stage
there is a conflict between erotic attraction, resentment, rivalry, jealousy and fear this is solved when childed takes on the traits of the same sex parent -
Preoperational Stage
children learn langruage and can understand symbols. they are still very egocentric in their thinking and can not yet think abstractly -
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs inferioty
if children are succesfull then they will enter into a time of industry but if they fail or are critized then they will feel less of themselves -
latency stage
urges are repressed during this stage. so energy can be used on making friendships and relationships -
Concrete Operational Stage
Understand things from anothers point of view and can organize thoughts logicaly. -
Formal Operational Stage
they have now developed the ability to think abstractly and can form ideas on what will happen in their mind to determine an outcome. -
identity role vs confusion
this is a time when teens try to find out who they are and what they want to do with their lives. if they cant find this they will enter into confusion about who they are. -
gentital stage
this is a time of sexural exploration which will end when they settle down -
adolescence is the time when you are developing the most. your frontal cortex is growing in mass and you are developing physicaly. You begin to be more independant of your family. During this time you go through puberty -
1st car
this is important because it gives you a massive amount of independace from your family -
intimicy vs isolation
people need to form long lasting and loving relationships with another person. failure to do this will result in long term lonelyness -
early adulthood
you begin to form a long lasting intamint relationship with someone and care for others. you are now completely independant from your family and can care for yourself. -
marrige shows that you are ready to have an long term and loving relationship with someone who you truly care for. -
1st house
buying your 1st house is the when you settle down into adulthood -
mid life crisis
men begin to rethink their lives. they may change careers or get a divorce. -
middle adult hood
generativity vs stagnation
empty nest syndrome
when all the kids have moved out of home you feel alone and now have time for all the activitys you did not have time for when taking care of children. -
onset of alzheimers
late adulthood
integrity vs despair
they look back on their lives to see how well they lived. they want to be able to say that they lived a great life with no regrets. -
old age
stages of death and dying
denial: deny its happing, the doctors wrong
anger: you get angry at family, friends, god, etc
bargaining: try to strike a deal with a higher power
depression: you go into a depression
acceptance: you accept your fate and are at peace