From the start
The two reproductive cells from both mother and father are called gametes. Once the two fuse together and become one cell they are known as zygote. From that one cell there are, 70,000-100,000 genes and 46 chromosomes which consist of 23 chromosome pairs. (pg. 46, 5th ed.) -
Sex type
Around 20 weeks is when you sometimes can determine the babies sex. Between the 23 pairs of chromosomes 22 of those pairs are similar. The 23rd pair is what determines the sex of the child. The sex is determined by the father because he carries both X and Y chromosomes. The mother only carries XX chromosomes. This means the mother will allows give an X chromosomes whereas the fathers sperm could carry either X or Y. An X will be a girl and a Y will be a boy. (pg. 47, 5th ed.) -
When the baby is born they are given an APGAR score. Each letter stands for something. Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration. Each are given a score from 0-2 making the scale 0-10. A score of 7-10 is considered normal, 4-7 might require some resuscitative measures, and below 4 requires immediate resuscitation, (pg. 80, 5th ed,) -
during the first two years children grow at a rapid pace. The wiehgt of the child can tripled by the first birthday from their birth weight. (pg. 104, 5th ed.) -
Potty training
Over the past decades, the age which children are potty trained have gone up. In 1957 the 92% of children were toilet trained by the age of 18 months. In 1999, on 60% of children were toilet trained by the age of 36b months. (pg. 200, 5th ed.) -
By age 7 child start to develop either a positive or negative self-esteem. If the child's self-esteem is positive the child will believe they are good at all things. The opposite holds true if the child has a negative self-esteem, they believe they are inadequate at most tihings. (pg. 312, 5th ed.) -
At around 10 years of age girls tend to hit a growth spurt. For a range of about two years girls are normally taller than boys, but at age 13 boy on average are taller than girls. (pg. 334, 5th ed.) -
Work and School
Most 16-17 year olds have some sort of employment during high school. 38% of 25 year olds have a part-time job while attending high school. (pg. 370, 5th ed.)