PSY A150

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    Begging of the development of my identity.

    Identity vs. role confusion, when I was 12 my parents divorced. This took me from an environment in which I new my standing with my peers and placed me in a much larger one. The environment I am referring to is my school, I was removed from my friends and those I had grown up around and my place in the pecking order changed dramatically. Due to this I lost confidence in myself and it took reestablishing myself in the new environment for me to regain my confidence and understanding of myself.
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    My marriage.

    This section covers intimacy vs. isolation. I was not isolated or did not believe myself to be before I got married, however after six years of marriage I can say that was not the case. having friends and a dysfunctional family could never provide me the intimacy i have experienced in my marriage, this has allowed me to grow and become more in touch with who I really am.
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    Career confusion.

    Generativity vs. stagnation, in 2014 I was injured and medically discharged from the Untied States Marine Corps. This was a major shock for me because I had intended to spend 30 years in and retire from the USMC, however as fate would have it that was not meant to be. Now I one semester away from graduating from UAA and still I have yet to find a career that I can call my calling like being a United States Marine was for me.