Prepration of Candidates list
Candidates teams, sessions and day of examination to be sorted out -
Letter to parents
Letter informing parents of pupils' exam dates and session to be given out -
Briefing to staff
PowerPoint, duty list and floorplans to be ready
Declaration of staff, and acknowledgement of briefing signed -
Standardization of ORAL
Standardization of Oral for OE -
Logistics - Pupils and Staff related
OE lists
QR room namelists
Attendance list for AOE, team leader
Candidate namelist paste at canteen -
Briefing to pupils
PowerPoint of instructions to be ready, pupils to be briefed -
Make up briefing for staff and standardization
Logistic - Venue related
Give floor plan to OM for assembly area, and exam centers
Give signages to OM for exam centers and QR
Give ICT MT EXAM centers floor plan to EngSeng
Give refresment request and delivery venues for staff (PSLE) to Angela -
Distribution of EL QPs
Set up of MT terminals
Deployment of manpower -
2nd Letter to parents
Letter informing parents of pupils' exam dates and session to be given out -
2nd Briefing to NTIL OI and OE/ staff (if necessary)
PowerPoint, duty list and floorplans to be ready
Declaration of staff, and acknowledgement of briefing signed
Checking of NTIL equipments, and testing of equipments -
Briefing to Pupils
PowerPoint of instructions to be ready, pupils to be briefed -
Logistic - Venue related
Give floor plan to OM for assembly area, and exam centers
Give signages to OM for exam centers and QR
Give ICT MT EXAM centers floor plan to EngSeng
Give refresment request and delivery venues for staff (PSLE) to Angela -
Logistic - Candidates related
OE lists
QR room namelists
Attendance list for AOE, team leader
Candidate namelist paste at canteen -