Happy Birthday Sarah!
I was born at 5:11PM at Providence Hospital in Southfield Michigan. -
Period: to
My first two years
Separation Anxiety
At 9 months old, I developed separation anxiety. I had a difficult time being separated from my mom. I would cry and scream because I did not want her to leave. It was hard for the rest of my family to see me this upset but it reached its end when I was a year old. -
My First Words
I spoke my first words when I was only ten months old. I said, "ma-ma". -
Just Put One Foot in Front of the Other
On my first birthday I hit a major milestone. I learned to walk! -
Blew out Two Candles
Period: to
Early Childhood
Started Attending St. Mary's Daycare
My first day at St. Mary's. This is where I attended preschool. -
My First Surgery
I suffered from severe ear infections. My doctor decided that it was right decision for me have tubes inserted into my ears to help stop my ears from being infected. -
Started Kindergarten
I attended kindergarten at St. Robert Bellarmine. -
Pretend Play
At recess I loved playing "house" with my friends on the playground. I was always the "mom". I enjoyed interacting with my friends and using my imagination. -
Period: to
Middle Childhood
I started losing my baby teeth. I looked forward to having a wiggly tooth because I knew that meant the Tooth Fairy was going to visit me. -
First Tript to Disney World
We took a family trip to Orlando, Florida and spent 12 days at Disney World. We had a great time and made a lot of memories. -
Welcome Home Spanky
We adopted our first dog. He was black poodle anamed Spanky -
I Love to Skate!
I learned to figure skate. My mom enrolled me in lessons and I loved being on the ice. This was definitely my passion and I was a very talented figure skater. -
Period: to
Junior High
I entered 6th grade at St. Robert Bellarmine. -
Menstration Begins
Puberty was a very awkward time. I remember being scared and worried when I started my period. -
8th Grade Graduation
I graduated from St. Robert Bellarmine. Although I was sad to leave this school I was excited for the future. -
Freshman Year
I started Ladywood High School. I was very nervous my first day and got lost a couple of times trying to find my classes. -
I made an an important sacrament in the Catholic faith. I was blessed with the Holy Spirit in order become a full member of the Catholic Church -
Sweet 16
I had a big birthday party with all my family and friends. I was so happy to celebrate with the most important people in my life. I made memeroies with friends that I will never forget. -
Pedal to the Metal
I passed my road test and was an offical licensed driver! I was so excited and loved my new found freedom of driving. -
First Job
I was hired as a Birthday Party Hostess at Super Bowl Lanes in Canton, Michigan. I enjoyed my job and had fun making new friends with my coworkers.. -
High School Graduation
I was sad to leave and move on but I knew it was a part of life. I learned so much and made unforgettable memories that I will always cherish. I know in my heart that I will always be a Ladywood Blazer. -
Disney World with Marie
For my graduation my parents gave my sister and I a trip to Disney Worl! We were so excited to be going by ourselves and stay in our own hotel room. We had an amazing time. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
I finally found my vocational identity and decided that nursing would be the right career choice for me. I was excited to embark on this journey. -
Fist day at Schoolcraft
I was excited to begin College and meet new people. I was a Student Ambassador while also juggling a full-time school schedule. I was very busy but maintained a high GPA. -
I became very stressed and started doing yoga every morning. I find it to be very calming. It helps keep my mind and body healthy. -
Associate's Degree in Applied Science
I was very proud of myself for earning a degree. -
Travel to Europe
Had an amazing trip to France and Spain with my friend Regan. We spent 12 days in Europe and made a lot of good memories. -
21st Birthday
I can now legally drink. I am an "offical" and responsible adult. -
Begin the Nursing Prgram
I am excited to finally start the path to becoming a registered nurse. I know it will be a lot of hard work and dedication. -
Graduate Nursing Prgram
I can not believe I did it! My dream of becoming a nurse are finally true! -
Bachelor's Degree
I will complete my BSN at Eastern Michigna University -
First Job as Registered Nurse
Working in the field at Peidatric Hospital as a Registered Nurse. -
Period: to
Here Comes the Bride
Marry the love of my life in front of all our friends and family. -
Bon Voyage
Travel to Europe and Africa with my husband. I love to travel and experience new things. Let the adventures begin! -
Bun in the Oven
My husban and I are pregnant and we could not be more excited to meet our daughter. -
Home is Where the Heart Is
My husband and I buy our first house together! -
It's a Girl!
We welcomed our first daughter. Evelynn Marie was born at 7 pounds and 5 ounces. Our family is now complete! -
Time to Hit the Books
I decided to go back to school and finish my Master's Degree in Nursing. -
I had a long career as a nurse and decided it was time to retire and relax with my husband. -
Grandma Sarah
Enjoy spoiling my first grandson -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Cataract Surgery
I noticed my vision becoming cloudy. I had an outpatient surgery to remove the cataract in my left eye. -
Bye Bye Calories
My doctor has advised me to restrict my calories to improve my overall health and slow down the aging process. -
Develops Dementia
I am in the early stages of dementia but I am trying to keep my mind healthy by doing crafts and puzzles every day. -
Great Grandma Sarah
I have the honor of holding my first great granddaughter. -
Die peacefully in bed surrounded by the people I love.