Afghanistan Proxy War Timeline

By anlu
  • Plan to Overthrow

    Muhammed Daoud launches a coup against King Zahir that overthrows him. The plan is successful and Daoud becomes the Prime Minister, again.
  • Period: to

    The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the US Response

  • Death of Daoud

    Soldiers from Taraki's "Khalq" faction assault the presidential palace and execute Daoud with the rest of his family.
  • Armed Revolt

    In the winter and late fall of 1978, citizens began protesting and revolting against the Kabul Government’s major national program. This program was trying to bring Communism into the Islamic tribal areas outside Kabal.
  • Afghan Army loses control

    An onslaught of Afghan insurgents caused the Afghan army to lose control and be unable to protect the government. The Soviet respond by sending their troops to try to help.
  • Invasion

    Thousands of Soviet troops charge into the country of Afghanistan, taking control of all aspects of military or political control.
  • Communist government is set up

    After a somewhat successful intervention by the Soviet Union, a communist government is set up.
  • US begin supplying aid

    The US begins supplying aid to Afghan insurgents, mainly the Mujahideen, for them to combat the invading Soviets.
  • US increases aid

    After warning the Soviets to withdrawal, the US increases their supply of aid to the Afghan insurgents. Stringers are the main item given for the Mujahideen for them to shoot down the Russian helicopters.
  • Treaties are signed

    The Soviet Union begins pulling out troops after they, Afghanistan, the US, and Pakistan sign peace accords.
  • The Soviets Withdrawl

    Over the course of 10 years, the Soviets slowly withdrawal out of Afghanistan and then end up pulling out altogether, ending their attempt of conquering Afghanistan.