Protestant Reformation Timeline

  • 14


    Humanism is focused on the capabilities of human beings instead of having to rely on sources to get a better understanding of the world. Humanism is a belief that humans should be able to shape their lives by rationality and critical thinking. On the other hand saying that humans should be able to think within themselves and make decisions in order to determine their own personal destiny.
  • 15


    The Roman Catholics Society of Jesus also known as the Jesuits are full of special rights granted to priests from the Pope. The act portrayed by Jesuits is major within a Catholic Church. They focus on the development of knowledge, education, and missionary work.
  • 1096


    Indulgences were passes that would help your sins be forgiven or a loved ones sins in order to help a loved one get to heaven in a more efficient way but you needed to purchase this pass.
  • 1184

    The Inquisition

    The Inquisition
    Inquisition was created in order to deal with heresys in the americas and in Europe which caused a huge impact on society and the methods used were rough.
  • 1455

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    This invention originated in china which later got introduced to Europe in 1455. It was originally created to spread information with political implications at times but was also later used to print the bible which had religious implications attached. It helped make a more efficient and accessible way for creating and owning a bible.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther's the man who created 95 theses wasn't for the catholic church selling indulgences since the church wasn't fair since it didn't make sense how they could buy their way into heaven.. He also didn't think it was fair since not all people could understand the bible and with that he translated the bible into german for everyone to better understand their religion and the practices within. Due to challenging the church and the pope it made him a huge topic since people began to agree.
  • 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    In order to prevent the church from selling indulgences Martin Luther posted the 95 theses which caused economical, political, and societal issues since the church was getting questioned.
  • 1520

    Pope Leo X

    Pope Leo X
    Pope Leo X was not only the ruler of the Papal States and head of the Christian church. Around the time after Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian died the pope began to become for fascinated in his political influence growth which if this wasn't for that he most definitely wouldn't have had as much impact or power.
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Diet of Worms
    The diet of worms is about the Holy Roman Emperor summoned Martin Luther in order to have a conversation on his under-discussed ideas that were controversial. This discussion was a religious and political decision needed to happen in order for Martin Luther to stand up for his beliefs.
  • 1534

    Henry Vlll

    Henry Vlll
    He created the Church of England by breaking away from the pope which is also known as English Reformation
  • 1536

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John Calvin was a lawyer but what he originally studied was to become a priest. Calvinism is believed to be what shaped the modern world.
  • 1545

    The Council of Trent

    The Council of Trent
    The Council of Trent had religious and political implications. Political since it affected power dynamics and religion because it made reforms, and clarified Catholic beliefs. The Council of Trent was an event hosted by the church to make reforms to the Protestant reformation and to address issues.
  • 1545

    Elizabeth l

    Elizabeth l
    She was also called the "Virgin Queen". Most believed that she wasn't legitimate enough to become a queen. she was seen as a child with unmarried parents.
  • 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg

    The Peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg helped coexist religions such as Catholics and Lutherans which helped people become more open religiously especially since they can believe in their beliefs without punishment
  • 1572

    The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
    This event took place in France. Many Protestants got killed and due to that Catholics and Protestants became tense which also made the Protestant movement even more unpleasant.
  • Edict and Nantes Grants

    Edict and Nantes Grants
    A group in Catholic France called The Huguenots were granted particular freedoms by the Edict of Nantes. This caused an issue within politics and society since it challenged France's dominant Catholic authority.
  • Protestant Reformation Timeline