Protestant Reformation Timeline

By Izzym07
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    It was a machine that helped produce work of literature easier and in a timely manner and accessible to everyone.It was political and social because it gave people a change to think for themeselves and politically they power started to change along with their social ideology.
  • 1478

    The inquistiion

    The inquistiion
    The inquisition was a powerful office setup for the catholic church so that it could root out and punish heresy throughout europe.This resulted in consolidating power in the monarchy.
  • 1490


    Humanism was the study of greek and roman language and litarature to educate ones self and improve ones reasoning.It was a social and political consequence as it brought down the church.
  • 1516


    Indulgences were pieces of paper issued by the catholic church that forgave sins. By purchasing indulgences a person could reduce the amount of time their soul had to spend in a place called purgatory before being able to go into heaven.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a man who wrote the 95 theseis because of the selling of indulgences and supporting the belif that only christians can only be saved by faith.He was also a political and social person because he fought for religion and changed the political power of the church.
  • 1517

    95 Thesis

    95 Thesis
    Was a propositions and questions wrote by Martin Luther due to the selling of indulgences.It was political because martin was questioning the political power at the time.
  • 1521

    Pope leo X

    Pope leo X
    He issued the papal bull that excommunicated martin luther from the catholic had political and social consequences against martin and other people.
  • 1521

    Diet of worms

    Diet of worms
    The diet of worms was an assembly of the Holy Roman empire.Martin Luther was summoned to the Diet in order to renounce or reaffirm his views in response to a Papal bull of Pope Leo X
  • 1530


    Jesuits is a religious order of clerics regular of pontifical rights for men in the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome.
  • 1534

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Henry VIII established a church of england and the royal Navy and was a powerful man.He was know for his love life and establishment of the church
  • 1536

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John was a french supporter of Martin Luther.He published a book about his religious beliefs and started a church called the Calvinist church that believes that god had determined before the beginning of time who would gain salvation and go to heaven.This is political because the church is a sign of politics because they were making their own community with their own beliefs.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The council of trent was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church.The council made sweeping decrees on self reform and revitalized on Roman Catholic Church.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The peace of augsburg was a treaty between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and the Schmalkaldic League, signed on 25 September 1555 at the imperial city of Augsburg.It was the first permanent legal basis for the coexistence of lutheranism and catholicism.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth was the queen of england.She tried to create a compromise between the Catholic church and new protestant beliefs.Also she was a protestant but allowed catholic symbols and reduced religious conflict.Her choices were mostly political.
  • 1572

    st. bartholomew's day massacre

    st. bartholomew's day massacre
    st. bartholomew's day massacre was a targeted group of assassination and a catholic mob that was directed against the french calvinist protestant,
  • Edict of Nates

    Edict of Nates
    The edict of worms was a guaranteed freedom and intended to the end of the religion based warfare in france.