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protestant reformation timeline

  • 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    A machine that helped producing works of literature much easier in a more timely manner also making it more accessible to everyone, political and social consequences as when the more people who were able to start thinking for themselves the political power started to charge along with peoples social ideology. this was a cause as it was what made it possible for them to make the bible more accessible and martin luther's theses
  • 1490


    Humanism is using roman and greek reasoning to educate and question morality, a social and political consequence as it was what brought down the reign of the church, this is a cause as it made it so people would differently making people start to think outside the church
  • 1516


    Pieces of paper sold by the catholic church to forgive ones or others sins to reduce the amount one would spend in purgatory before being able to go to heaven, brought economic causes and consequences as only the rich and wealthy could afford to buy them or relatives out of an eternity in hell.this is a cause as it lead to events that altered the way europe was run
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    Martin Luther wrote 95 theses to debate and talk about the bibles scriptures, political because he was questioning the political power of the time, this was a cause because it started to question the political power of the church and made people start to change religions or just not be religious
  • 1518

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was the man who wrote the 95 theses questioning the pope and all of europe he started a new religion were people weren't as restricted to what they could do he also got the bible translated so more people could know the word of god, he was both a political and social person as he changed the way europe in a way no one had before started the spread of blood shed by fighting over religion changing lives socially and changing the political power of the church, cause bc of that too
  • 1521

    Pope Leo X

    Pope Leo X
    Pope Leo had Martin Luther excommunicated from the church in 1521, meaning they took his title as a monk and priest so he could no longer preach. He was also not allowed to join in on sacraments making him an outlaw. This had a political consequence as the different church were starting to become upset and uprise against the church. effect because it was luther's actions that led to the pope doing this
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Diet of Worms
    A diet called in the city of worms where martin luther was called to see if he would stick with he said about pope leo x or if he had a change of heart. This led to Luther's excommunication from the church. diet of worms had political consequences as after luther refused they had a warrant out for his arrest and made it illegal to help him, this was an effect of luther writing he 95 theses as he now had to explain himself to the church
  • 1538


    The society of jesus, they are founded from their love of jesus stemming from the catholic church supporting the pope as a political power, they only have male followers, they had political consequences as they supported the roman catholic church and the pope being a political leader and then having full control of europe. they were an effects of the church's starting to branch from the church just like the lutherans
  • 1540

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    After being exiled to switzerland he started to spread the idea of puritanism, where then geneva becomes their home and only those who were in that religion were allowed to live there killing others from different religion this was all from calvin's ideas.this is political as the church was a sign of politics and they were changing beliefs and making their own community where only they could live and didn't follow things that would make them lose their lives, cause because he made a new religion
  • 1542

    The Inquistion

    The Inquistion
    The inquisition was to stop the growth of protestant growth as the group thought protestantism is heresy. this had political and social consequnces as the people were being discriminated as a group and this made many princes and other leaders stop protecting protestants as there was a mix of politics and religion, this was an effect of the growth of the protestant population as the church was trying to regain power
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Through out a course of 20 years held meetings or one long meeting to talk about all the tings troubling europe at the time,they would try and keep the catholic up as a political power and due to war and disagreements there the it was decided protestants couldn't vote so they could make sure to keep the catholic church in people's lives this had social and political consequences as it would keep the church to be able to make laws and choices it would keep people still following the church
  • 1545

    Council of Trent Effect

    Council of Trent Effect
    this was an effect of all the events that had been going on at the time because they made these meeting to try and decide how todeal with everything going on
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    A treaty to resolve the conflict with all the different churches that started off with martin luther, it would give lutherans equal rights ending the war letting people choose what religion they want to be not restricting then to where they live this had political consequences as it made it legal for people to choose their religion ad not be exiled or killed for it, having the same rights as catholics this was an effect of st bartholomew massacre
  • Aug 24, 1572

    St Bartholomew Day Massacre

    St Bartholomew Day Massacre
    After years of religious tension in paris the protestants were massacred by catholics being hunted down and killed up to 25 thousand died after they assassinated the leader of the protestants this had social consequences as the people of paris were murdering and being murdered due to their religious ideology, this was an effect of all the animosity these groups had for eachother
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    A declaration made to end the violent crimes committed against protestants and catholics in the city of france signed by King Harry lV to grant religious tolerance to the huguenots this had social consequnces as the two religions now had to live more or less in harmony and they had the same civil rights. this was an effect of all the fighting that happened as this is was to stop all the violence going on between the two sides