Martin luther

Protestant Reformation

  • Period: Dec 15, 1509 to Dec 15, 1547

    Henry VIII

    Henry VII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but Pope Clement VII denied this. Henry issued the Act of Supremacy which made him leader of the Catholic Church of England. Later he issued the act of Succesion legitimized the offspring of him and Anne Boleyn.
  • Jun 27, 1517

    Abuses of the Papacy

    Abuses of the Papacy
    -Simony (Buying and selling of church offices)
    -Nepotism (Granting church offices to realtives)
    -Pluralism (Holding multiple church offices)
    -Absenteeism (Not residing in one’s spiritual domain because they held multiple positions)
    -Indulgences (Believing one could buy forgiveness of sins *authorized by Pope Leo X, issued by Johan Tetzel to fund St. Peter’s Basilica)
    The Indulgences sparked the reformation
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Martin Luther posted the 95 theses in response to the sale of indulgences. It went against the corruption of the Papacy. Also advocated the new idea of obtaining salvation through Lutheran ideas (salvation through faith alone and bible is ultimate authority). Written in Latin, the ideas spread becasue of the PRINTING PRESS after translated. The ideas even reached peasants.
  • Dec 15, 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Called by Pope Leo X. Forced Luther to recant but Luther held firm to his word. Was outlawed by Charles V and was taken into sanctuary by Ferdinand of Saxony.
  • Period: Dec 15, 1524 to Dec 15, 1525

    Peasants' Revolt

    Luther's ideas went against authority, causing these peasant uprisings. Long term economic greivences and a new idea of challenging authority motivated the peasants. Luther went against the Peasants and called for the death of the peasants because he needed support from German princes. Peasants were eventually defeated.
  • Dec 15, 1530


    Believed in religious choice such as adult baptism and took the bible completely literally. Hated by Catholics and some denominations of Protestantism
  • Period: Dec 15, 1533 to

    Magisterial Reform In England

    This long term period can be broken down by the rulers at the time.
    Henry VII: Wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon but Pope Clement VII denied this. Henry issued the Act of Supremacy which made him leader of the Catholic Church of England. Later he issued the act of Succesion legitimized the offspring of him and Anne Boleyn.
    Edward VI: Son of Henry VIII. Provided a simpler interpretation of worship.
    Mary I: (Bloody Mary) Wife of Philip II. She persecuted Protestants in England heavilly
  • Dec 15, 1540

    Calvinism Emerges

    Started by John Calvin, this belief consists of ideas such as predestination. Many German princes started to adopt the ideas of Calvinism as well as many middle class citizens.
  • Dec 15, 1545

    Catholic Reformation

    Council of Trent is called by Pope Paul III. This reaffirmed the 7 sacraments and banned absenteeism, pluralism, banned sale of indulgences, and banned simony. Established seminaries (educated priests and church officials).
  • Dec 15, 1545

    Counter Reformation

    Goal was to stop the spread of Protestantism as much as possible.
    Carried out by...
    -Establishment of religious orders (Jesuits-Society of Jesus, Ursuline)
    -Jesuits set up schools and engaged in missionary work
    -Pope Paul III revived the Inquisition. Roman inquisition was a council of 6 cardinals who punished heretics and had the power to execute.
    -The index of Forbidden books. (protestant books like Luther and Calvin.)
  • Period: Dec 15, 1553 to Dec 15, 1558

    Bloody Mary

    Mary I: (Bloody Mary) Wife of Philip II. She persecuted Protestants in England heavilly. Caused exteme tension.
  • Dec 15, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Recognized Lutheranism and allowed German Princes to chose what their state worshiped (Catholic or Lutheran).
  • Dec 15, 1558

    Elizabeth I Comes to Power

    She is a Protestant, and is orignally hated by Catholics. Often called the ELIZABETHAN SETTLEMENT, she was a politique and issued the act of uniformity and book of common prayer and created peace between Protestants and Catholics, while still having some persecution towards Catholics.
  • Dec 15, 1560

    John Knox

    John Knox took Protestantism into Scotland. Established the Presbyterian faith. Helped spread the Protestant influence even further.
  • Spanish Armada Invades England

    The Spanish Armada is defeated in England by Elizabeth. It is important to note this date as the end of the rise of Catholic Spain. It signaled Protestant power under Elizabeth I of England.