Prosthetic Makeup by Emely

  • 1920's The Beginning

    In the mid-1920s, actor Lon Chaney was one of the first to use special effects makeup by creating his own looks for movies like The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Phantom of the Opera, and many other films.
  • Popularity in the 30's

    With tons of monster movies coming out the world of prosthetic makeup started to rise.
  • 1931's Jack Walks In

    Jack Pierce was seen as a pioneer in special effects makeup. He created creatures for Frankenstein (1931), Dracula (1931), The Mummy (1932) and The Wolf Man (1941).
  • The Wizard of Oz

    The Wizard of Oz came out causing latex foam use becoming a thing in th industry.
  • The Exorcist

    With movies like the Exorcist the makeup effect began a lot more explict and gory to make it feel more real.
  • Today

    We see tons of these prosthetic effects used in movies/tv shows/etc, and with these effects we get a realistic feel that without the makeup we could have never achieved.