More information on Propaganda
The word Propaganda can also be negative but its not nessicarly a bad thing its used to alter peoples opinions it can also be used to help change opinions to. -
What is Propaganda
Propaganda is basically taking someone elses ideah or something that they have already done and making it into your ideah but use the topic the same way just differently. -
Propaganda thats related to internet or any type of communication
The internet helped with propaganda to have long distance communication with other people also it increases with our media. -
The Printing Press
The Printing Press also helped with propaganda by making their posters and with the help of inventing the radio. -
French Drawing
Each cartoon drawing is based of the french or the jewish. They made it for steryotypes who indicate jewish peoples skulls. -
The foundation that holds them up
So the Nazis came to have power over the jews in germany that were highly assimulated. Many decorated veterans of World war 1 thought of themselves as patriotic german outsiders. -
The way art can be
German people thought the Nazis were politicized and so they banned politics and art. And so the Nazis confescated all the art from the german people cause they tried to create art again. -
Propoganda art
So if you was to go to a art invention the nazis would treat you very poorly and germans thought the key term negro was racial ideah to them so they started to desegnate art. -
The lure of a comfortable life with Herbert Hoover
So in this time Hoover ran for president and one of his posters depicted the american dream. Charles Curtis was Hoovers running mate he wanted a political thats represenitive in power. -
The stock market and a little about the great depression
Their was a stock market crash during the great depression so not many folks were very happy also many people lived in red-roofed homes. -
Is all this information with the nazis/germans important?
Well even though propaganda started in the past everday theirs still people doing it. we go through this with the goverment and many polotics. -
The effects of propaganda
So many folks thought that propaganda could be very dangerous but it can also create some very good strategies and development. and during the war time their was very strange environment many people called it the ten ammendments. -
The lure of Nazi party messages
German workers were known to present themselves a good image.They created posters to represent the family with good values. -
The cult of Hitler
So as hitler is trying to be a leader he thought to project himself as a cult figure as to him a one kind of leader he wanted to be seen as the savior of the nation. -
The language of the third reach
Victor kemplerer was a proffesor of romance english in dresden but he got fired just because he was a jewish man and he stayed home during the war years with his wife. -
The good art on propaganda
So many propaganda writers argued about the institute especially if it involved with the democracy society. Later on they published a book named the fine art it had speeches that were from Reverend Charles. -
The Nazis and the protective eagle
So back then the nazis had a statue called the protective eagle. This statue symbolises the nazi parties. It was also used to protect the german families from any corruption with human beings. -
More Propaganda
So propaganda is basically taking something and making it look good even though its not true -
A childs game
Nazis created books for children to help disignate girls and boys to help them realize how bad german people are.