declaration of ALMA-ATA
international conference on primary heath care is bom in irder to protect and promote the health of every town in the wold health is a complex state of mental and social physical well being -
letter of OTTAWA.
incorporates key areas of action in healthy public policy creates supportive environments for health strengt hens community action derejops personal skills and reprimands health services in a comprehensive and complementary way towards health promotion and prevention of diseases in public health. -
declaration of ADELAIDE.
Health should be in all policies proposes that in the formulation of policies in all sectors include health and well-being. -
third international conference on health promotion sundsvall
He tells us about the favorable environments for health, including the political and economic social dimension, making a wide invitation for women to participate in all sectors using and recognizing their abilities. This statement calls on communities, countries and governments to take actions to ensure equity and sustainable development in terms of health. -
declaration yakarta indonesia.
What he wants is to build alliaces with a protocol and action commitment, he makes a regular mediation of goals and objectives also includes the sector procured was articulated with the ONU. -
letter of BANGKOK
It is about the promotion of health for a globalized world the purpose is to manage and promote health and equality to achieve global and national development creates foundations and commitments for the promotion of health, improvement and equality through action plans. -
7th global conference on health promotion NAIROBI.
the call to action of Nairobi is responsible for the promotion of health to close the gap in the lack of health, the combocatoria and action of Nairibi identifies key strategies and processes required to close the gap in health and development through The health promotion. -
Declaration of HESINKI.
It is about the promotion of health in relation to the declaration of alma-ata. On primary health care, he recognizes that governments have a responsibility to the health of the population and that equity is an expression of social justice. -
Mexico city
It is the sustainable development of the united nations of citizenship and learning, this has a call for learning and gurnamental entities.