Project Proposal Submission
21C/AICT member Liane Paixao after discussions with E-Learning Coordinator Michael Wetzel and French Dept. Coordinator Judith Esser, writes and submits collaborative project proposal to both.
Project Proposal -
Period: to
"Français à l'avant plan" Collaborative Project
The TCDSB French Dept. and 21C/AICT Dept. decide to work in collaboration to improve our Board's FSL program quality by encouraging Core French Teachers to promote 21C competencies through their tasks, create an online FSL professional network and resource databank. Pedagogical and technical training and support would be offered by resource teachers from both departments. -
The Next Lesson Framerowk/D2L Traning Sessions
21C/AICT team members Quentin D'Souza, Sandra Mustacato and Liane Paixao train 18 Core French teachers (10 elementary and 8 secondary) plus 02 French Resource teachers and the French Coordinators on the Next Lesson Framework (AM) and the basic functions of D2L (i.e.: News, discussion, content upload). At the end of workshop, teachers are divided into panels (elementary/secondary) and small groups of 3-4. Each group is asked to select one Unit they would like to modify and bring on May 28. -
Evaluating and Modifying Pre-Exisiting French Units
Elementary and Secondary Core French teachers work separately in small groups of 3-4. Together they evaluate their chosen units through the lenses of the The Next Lesson Framework. They decide on the competency (or competencies) they would like to focus on, and modify the final task accordingly. Teachers are also encouraged to produce material that would support modifications made on the unit, then upload them to their D2L shells. -
Modifying Pre-Exisiting French Units - Continuation
Teachers continue working on creating resources and uploading material to their shells. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.