Introducing our schools and giving general information about our cities and countries. Creating eTwinning boards and posters about our project.
We will introduce our school/city and also create project logos and posters in October. -
Determining worldwide well-known personalities and introducing well-known proverbs. Preparing poster and logo of the project and arranging a competition.
We will vote for project logo and poster. We will determine worldwide well-known personalities on Love and Peace. We will introduce well-known proverbs on both subject. We will do online webinar. -
Knowing-introducing worldwide well-known historic personalities on Love.
We will introduce worldwide well-known historic personalities on LOVE. -
Knowing-introducing worldwide well-known historic personalities on Love.
Each partner will write one word on Love and Peace on an olive leaf (drawn on a paper) and at the end we will colligate/unit them as a olive-branch. -
Knowing-introducing worldwide well-known historic personalities on Peace.
We will introduce worldwide well-known historic personalities on PEACE. -
Knowing-introducing worldwide well-known historic personalities on Peace.
Each partner will draw a picture of well-known historic personality on Love and Peace onto an olive leaf that was made from paper. Then we will colligate/unite as an olive-branch. -
Doing exhibitions and evaluation of the project.
We will do our exhibitions and make evaluation surveys. -
Preparing collective outputs of the project. Creating a collaborative poem/song. Doing online meetings as couples.
Each partner will say one line of poem/song and we will unite them as an output of the project. We will do online meetings as couples.