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project timeline

By Seda
  • Period: to

    Interactive STEAM activity in this month will be done via ''''.
    The students will play with the STEAM games, do interactive activities, etc.
    Teachers in the project teams will integrate STEM education in their lesson
    plans. They'll have one STEAM lesson in a week. They''ll use web 2.0 tools in
    their teaching methods and students' learning activities. The classroom
    teachers in the project teams will have to have one STEAM lesson in a week.
  • Period: to

    SLIDETALK 1 STEAM teaching through creating a STEAM based video via ''''

    Examine the example in Each aprtner in the project teams are responsible to create one video. STEAM based diffrerent topics such as force, balance, etc. will be taught. Videos will be prepared for k-1-grades.
  • Period: to


    All the partner schools' project teams will run a seminary for publicity of the project at the beginning in order to introduce the project
  • Period: to


    Newsletter 1: The newsletters by ''canva. com'' will be written by the partner schools' project teams in mother tongues and in english to be used in erasmus plus parts on the school walls at the end of each month to show month process.
  • Period: to

    Monthly reporting 1 will be created via the contact teachers in each project team.

    All the contact teachers of partner schools will complete
    the montly reporting in order to explain the activiities done and the
    evaluations of the activities and surveys, etc. Monthly reportings will be put in
    the project folders of each partner school.
  • Period: to

    Preliminary survey

    Preliminary surveys will be written in '''' and
    prepared by the psychological consultant of the applicant school to see and
    identify deficiencies of the students of each partner school by the students,
    teachers and parents. This survey will reflect the pre-project situation.
  • Period: to

    meeting 1 within the project teams and the school teachers

    First meeting: The
    project teams will hold a meeting with the teachers in the project teams in their schools in order to talk about informations of task distribution in the
    project (what to do, who to do, when to do, how to do). Second meeting: The
    project teams will hold an informational meeting for the teachers in the school
    to explain the project activities.
  • Period: to


    All students of teachers in
    the project teams will take part in the project activities and each teacher in each school's project
    team will guide teachers of their schools in a month via implementing
  • Period: to


    The classroom teachers in the project teams will have to
    have one STEAM lesson in a week. They'll implement the determined
    activities in a month. After implementing activities in each month, each teacher will write a newsletter about the activities in that month. The newsletters will include what they do, how they do, which web 2.0 tool they use, how students feel while doing the activities, which STEAM activities they do, which STEAM topics they address and teach,which skills students develop.
  • Period: to

    Monthly reporting 2

    All the contact teachers of partner schools will complete
    the montly reporting in order to explain the activiities done and the
    evaluations of the activities and surveys, etc. Monthly reportings will be put in
    the project folders of each partner school.
  • Period: to


    Teachers will prepare presentations (slideshow or
    video) showing the planned activities' pictures, descriptions and upload in
    youtube. Outputs'll be formed in time and presentations will be showed in each learning teaching traning activity. A video will be created in english by
    the contact teacher. Presentations will be prepared in the planned time about
    the activities implemented until that time and uploaded to youtube.
  • Period: to


    All students of teachers in
    the project teams will take part in the project activities and each teacher in each school's project
    team will guide teachers of their schools in a month via implementing
  • Period: to


    Teachers in the project teams will
    decide one of topic relating to STEAM for students of 2 and 3 grades. They'll
    use the web2.0 tool '''' in order to create talking video to teach the
    topic in their mother tongue. All teachers in the project
    teams will create one. The videos will be accessible for everybody, also the
    links to access the videos will be shared. One video'll be created in english by
    the contact teachers.
  • Period: to

    Monthly reporting 3

    Monthly reporting 3 will be created via the contact teachers in
    each project team.
  • Period: to


    SLIDETALK FOR GRADE 4: Teachers in the project teams will decide one of
    topic relating to STEAM for students of 4 grades. They'll use the web2.0 tool
    '''' in order to create talking video to teach the topic in their mother
    tongue. One video'll be created in english by the contact
  • Period: to


    NEWSLETTER 3: The classroom teachers in the project teams will have to have one STEAM lesson in a week. They'll implement the determined
    activities in a month. After implementing activities in each month, each
    teacher will write a newsletter about the activities in that month.
  • Period: to


    First Skype conference: The aim is to meet eachother with the partner
    Chat 1: Chatroom in the twinspace's live part of our project in the etwinning
    will also be used in the project implementation process as a communication
    and cooperation tool, all project member will chat at the same time. Video
    conference will be scheduled in the twinspace when the key is active.
  • Period: to

    coding activities via ''''

  • Period: to

    Monthly reporting 4

  • Period: to

    Newsletter 4:

    Newsletter 4: The newsletters by ''canva. com'' will be written by the partner
    schools' project teams in mother tongues and in english to be used in
    erasmus plus parts on the school walls at the end of each month to show
    month process.
  • Period: to

    Interactive STEAM activity in this month will be done via '''' in 3 months.