
  • End Of The French And Indian War

    A war that Britain won, but they were put in extreme debt. They decided to tax Colonists to pay it off.
  • The Proclamation Of 1763

    Made it illegal for Colonists to move west of the Appalation Mountains. The Colonists want to move wherever they want, so they were upset.
  • Sugar Act

    Put a tax on products like sugar, molasses, coffee, etc. Colonists held protests and smuggled goods into the country.
  • Stamp Act

    Colonists must buy special stamps to put on almost all products. The Colonists refused, held protests, and stated that their rights were violated.
  • Quartering Act

    Allowed British Soldiers to enter your house, sleep there, eat your food, and take your supplies. The Colonists refused, protested, and boycotted British goods.
  • Townshend Act

    Put a tax on imports- teas, glass, lead, paper, paint, etc. Colonists boycotted and smuggled British goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    It started with the colonists taunting the British soldiers, throwing snowballs and rocks. It ended with the soldiers firing at the unarmed colonists, even killing some of them
  • Tea Act

    Lowered the price of tea, but put a large tax on it.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists dressed up as natives and and dumped boxes of tea into the harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Closed Port until tea is paid off, all trial moved to Britain, banned colonists from moving west of the Appellation Mountains, strengthened the Quartering Act.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    When Paul Revere road to warn the colonists of the British coming by boat.
  • Lexington & Concord

    Colonists began storing weapons for war. When the British found out about his they sent troops to retrieve them. The colonists weren't going to just let them waltz in and seize their guns, so they went into battle.