Week 1: Individual Project: Students will log individual food consumption for 2 weeks .This should be completed prior to the start of the project.
Individual Project: Students will log individual food consumption for 2 weeks .This should be completed prior to the start of the project. -
Period: to
How Does Food Boost Brain Power?
Week 1:Directed lesson: Identify five food groups and categorize food items using My Plate. Students write down what they learn in their learning log.
Week 1: Individual Project. Create a meal on a paper plate using an infogram and explain how the meal is a balanced diet.
Weel 1: Directed lesson: Students will learn about different ingredients found in food. Students write down what they learned in a learning log.
Week 1: Learn From a Video: Watch video on brain food. Take notes. Everyone shares out a different fact from the video on lino-it and the teache
Week 2: Learn From a Video: Watch another video on brain food. Take notes. Everyone shares out a different fact from the video on lino-it and the
Week 2: Learn From an Article: Jigsaw puzzle reading of article by Dr. Philippa.
Week 2: Group Project: Each group will identify one essential ingredient, give at least 10 examples of foods, and explain the effects on the brain. Make a poster glorifying
Week 2: Group Project: Each group will identify ingredients that are bad for the brain and explain how each ingredient negatively affects brain function. Create a warning p
Week 2: Directed lesson. How to read food labels. Student write what they learn in a learning log.
Week 2: Individual Project: Each student will collect 5 food labels and analyze the nutritional value in their learning log. One item must be of no nutritional
Week 3: Group Project: Interview a healthcare provider to learn more about nutrition.
Week 3: Group Project. Create a week menu for the recommended calorie and nutrition intake for preteens(9-14).
Week 3: Individual Project. Determine recommended calorie and nutrient intake by the USDA for self. Then analyze individual food consumption log and explain why
Individual Project. Determine recommended calorie and nutrient intake by the USDA for self. Then analyze individual food consumption log and explain why. -
Week 3: Group Project: Create an educational video/commercial promoting foods that boost brain power.
Week 3: Group Project: Create a brochure promoting foods that boost brain power.
Group Project: Create a brochure promoting foods that boost brain power. -
Week 3: Group Project: Create a glogster and present it to their peers and parents.
Group Project: Create a glogster and present it to their peers and parents.