Site Leadership Team Meeting
At the first SLT meeting of the year, Project Based Learning (as a future trend) will be introduced to the team. This will be an area of focus for the school year. Share research, importance, implications on learning. -
Site Teams
From what was discussed the day before in the SLT, the info will be brought back to individual site teams. Share research findings to back this future trend. Then, a discussion will be had about what PBL is, and the goal for our school this coming year. -
Staff Meeting
Goals will be set for Project Based Learning at our school site. Then, staff will break up into departments and discuss what this could look like in each particular department. Remind all staff what it is, and what it isn't, and supportive research. Everyone will be told to bring one example to the next department meeting to share. -
Department Meeting
Staff will share ideas and choose when and how to implement first time in classrooms per grade level. -
Department Meeting
(After giving teachers ample time to complete) Teachers will bring back 'results' and share out successes and pitfalls. -
Staff Meeting
Discuss progress, success and pitfalls, clarifications, in all departments and grade levels. -
Department Release Day
Each department will have a 'Release Day' during this month. Among other topics, PBL will be discussed. Each department will set another PBL implementation date, per grade level, for semester 2. -
Department Meeting
Meet to discuss the second use of PBL in the classroom. Successes and pitfalls, changes need to be made? Discussion: are we meeting the goal set for our school? Meeting the needs of the students? Effectiveness? -
Staff Meeting
Staff Discussion - How are we doing as a school? -
Site Leadership Team
Last SLT of the year...Review research, future trends (still on track), department and grade level successes and pitfalls. As a school, did we reach our school-wide goal? Where do we go from here?