Start of the School Year
Administration has assigned chapters from "The Innovator's Mindset." Eighty laptops have been purchased for use in History and Language Arts classes. -
Innovation Staff Development Day.
All high schools in the District have gathered together to listen to two keynote speakers, Katie Martin and A.J. Juliani who spoke about the necessary changes that need to be made to the current education system in order to develop students for the future. Both provided several examples of project-based and student-centered learning and stated the positive outcomes achieved. Several teachers on staff indicated interest in implementing PBL within their classrooms. -
Survey Teacher for PBL Interest
As an administrator, I would like to survey my teachers about their interest in starting project based learning in the classroom. -
Period: to
PBL Group Formation, Research
Next, I will form an interest group and collaborate on best practices, implementation and examples. Teachers will be given opportunities to attend trainings, visit school sites that are implementing PBL and also read literature, like A.J. Juliani's book, "The PBL Playbook." I will encourage the teachers to continue independent research online and share their findings via a Padlet that I have set up. -
Web 2.0 Tool Survey
In order to determine the level of support the teachers need with technology implementation, I will send out a survey regarding their level of knowledge with Web 2.0 tools like Google Docs, Google Slides, FlipGrid and others that might be used within PBL units. Based on the survey data, I will then work with teacher trainers on campus and at the District level to come in for training days. -
First Web 2.0 Training
During a PLC meeting, I will set up a training to support teachers. Based on the variety of technology knowledge, I will work with the trainer to develop a differentiated model of information delivery, with teachers working in small groups based on what they want to work on (Google Docs, Google Classroom, Google Slides, Flipgrid, etc.). These meetings will continue monthly. -
Period: to
PBL Unit Development
After having researched PBL in action, teachers will work collaboratively to create one project-based learning unit to be implemented first semester of the following year. Under the assumption that the majority of the departments will have at least one representative, teachers will be encouraged to work cross-curricularly to create units aligned with the Common Core Standards.
Teachers will use their new technology learning to create assignments/ projects that can connect to their PBL units. -
Web 2.0 Tool Training #2
Training continued. Teachers will be surveyed about their interest in additional topics. The next training will then be based on their input. -
Web 2.0 Tool Training #3
Training continued. Teachers will be surveyed about their interest in additional topics. The next training will then be based on their input.