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The Political Impacts of Media Biases
The two main question this reading answers is do media biases really persuade people and if so how? The authors use many surveys and experiments to show that media biases do effect the voters choice. -
Medias Are the Big Losers in Election 2008
This article describes how the media is most definitly biased. The author believes all the media sources wanted Obama to win so they only aired information that made him look good and information that made the others look bad. -
News media Effects On Voters Perception and Democratic Outcomes
Shelly Ortelt wants to know if the media truly persuades the people or if it just strenghtens their opinions. She studies surveys and finds that the people are persuaded by the media. -
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Winning the Media campaign 2012
Throughout the entire campaign, both Obama and Romney recieved far greater negative news coverage then positive however, out of the two, Obama recieved less negative news. This gave him the upper hand in winning the election. -
Five Reasons Why the Mainstream Media Tipped the Scales in favor of Obama
All of Obamas faults were burried while the medias attention was on what Romney did wrong. Ronmey was at the disadvantage the whole time and could have won the election if the media was fair. -
Media Coverage of the 2012 Election Was Fair and balanced After All
linkThe author says that media biases infact did not have an effect on the outcome of the election. The polls influenced the media not the other way around.