My Birth
I was born in Maricopa County on May 23, 1998. I was about 9 weeks premature when I was born. I had to stay in the hospital for a couple weeks until my lungs were fully developed. -
I Started Playing Soccer
Soccer was a vast part of my life for elven years. Once I started playing it quickly grew into a passion that would stay with me all the way through Jr. High. Even now I feel that soccer has been integrated into my blood. -
My First RC Car
This is when i Igot my first Rc Car which is my current hobby. After I got it I played with it every day. My friend got one and we eventually started racing. -
My First RC Race
After I got my RC car i found out that there is competitve racing every weekend. So I started going to the track all the time to practice and race. I slowly gained success at it and have now become fully sponsored for it. -
First Day of High School
My first day of High School represented a bit of a rebirth for me. I was able to take classes that I wanted to take, I made new friends, and the cafeteria food was way better. This day made me optimistic for the future and thankful for the present. -
I got in a Car accident
My dad and I were driving on a dark sketchy street and a truck pulled out in front of us. We hit him going around 45 mph. The seatbelts locked up and the airbag exploded into my face but other than that we were both fine. -
My First Job
I started working for a landscaping company over the summer. It was really hot and sweaty. The conditions were deplorable but it was the first time I had made any money and it was cool to have something that was mine. -
Getting my wisdom teeth out
I got my wisdom teeth out and it cause me great displeasure. I had to eat only soft food for a week. In addition to that I had stitchs in my mouth for a month. -
My First RC Nationals
After I had been racing for a while I decided to got to nationals and see how I did. Things went pretty well and I ended up top ten in two uot of three classes I was runnig. It was a really amazing experience and gave me some confidence to continue persuing rc. -
My first Concert
I went to a 21 Pilots concert last month. It was awesome and I can't wait to go to more concerts. It really opened my eyes to what music can be.