Project !

By tgb44
  • Birth

    I was born in Mesa AZ
  • I went to Kindergarten in Glbert AZ

    I have no idea what the date was
  • Started 1st grade at a private school, I cant remember the name

    It might not have been private but you had you're own desk and computer and did everything at you're own past I think, I cant really remember, it was forever ago!
  • Moved to Prescott AZ in 2003

    Im not 100% sure what the date was!
  • I was held back in 2nd grade because I didnt meet there stadards or something, I honestly dont 100% know why

  • I left that shool half way into the year

    I finished 1st grade at Franklin and started 2nd grade but I was held back, im not sure if this happend in 2003 or 2004
  • 3rd grade

    Im not sure exactly when everything happend, its kind of a blur because I dont want to think about it but I started 3rd grade in 2005 or 2006 I belive
  • 4th grade

    I was held back again in 4th grade for missing 89 days of school, i missed 50 straight due to sinus and migraine headaches, and this is where my life began to fall apart school wise
  • 5th grade, homeschool

    I started homeschool in 5th grade, I wen to K12, they absolutely sucked, they sent me all kinds of books and everything and it was just a mess, I dont even remember 5th and 6th grade to be honest.
  • 6th grade

    6th grade I was homeschooled again. I took K12 again, and it got really bad, there system was just a mess. So eventually I left and started Primavera for my 1st time I believe
  • 7th grade, middle school and rumors

    7th grade was my prime, im all about sports and ladies, and I got plenty of those in 7th grade haha. But many people got jealous of me and started all kinds of rumors about me, at 1st I wanted to leave but I ended up statying and everything turned out ok, 7th grade was one of the best times in my life
  • 8th grade, the crossroads.

    I atrted 8th grade in Tucson AZ, I moved there over the summer. I start a new school and this school was very safisticated, everyone had their own Apple laptop, at my old school we still had s=computers that stuck out in the back. Every class I had I had no idea what was going on, everyone was on a whole new level than I was. A few months into 8th grade I met all the ladies and Id have some come up to me and say "you do know every girl in the school wants you right?"
  • 8th grade, part 2

    I said I think you're over exaggerating, and I had multiple girls tell me this so I was like ok, maybe their right. But, none of the guys liked me, I took all of their girls, this school was so lame they litterally had a "popular" group. And those kids didnt like me, so then the rumors started.
  • 8th grade part 3

    I had ruors about me that I was using heroin, coc, crack, you name it. I wa sapparently into gay porn, apparently I was gay when I had multiple encounters with woman if you're catching my drift but that didnt stop them, they came up with every rumor possible.
  • 8th grade, part 4

    I had no friends, I had nobody to talk to, I sat by myself at lunch, you name it man. So I left, I started homeschool again at K12 for a few months, I hated it, I almost got kicked out because I wasnt doing my work so I left before that went on my record. So I went back to Primavera again. After a few months of that I moved back to Presccott and went back to my old school and that was great.
  • High School part 3

    Math is my worst subject. Before they changed my teacher I had an 86% in my math class. So they change my schedule and everything and about a month and a half into my new schedule I have a 110% in each hour of Reading 180 and now I have a 60% in my new math class because I hated the teacher and the way she taught. So the school pretty much screwed me. So around late November I dropped out. I dropped out because I heard the GED was pretty easy to get and because
  • High School

    High School
    I was pretty excited going into High school. Everyone always talked about how amazing it was. And at first it was great, I had amazing teachers, I had lunch and multiple classes with my friends. But then I was put in ths class called Reading 180.. The dumbest thing ever. It was a class for kids who needed help with reading and writing. Reading is my strong suit so I have no idea why I was put in this class. When they put me in this class it changed my whole schedule. Because it lasted
  • High School part 2

    Because it lasted 2 hours and had to be put into my schedule. So I go to the office and ask why this happened and they said its because I didnt take a certain test in 8th grade that they take at the beggining of the year. And if you remember I was in Tucson for the 1st semester of 8th grade and came back to my old school in 2nd semester. So it wasnt even my fault why I was put in there. This schedule change changed all my teachers including the most vital one which was math, because
  • The GED

    All I wanted to do was join the Navy and start my life, I'd had enough with school and getting screwed all the time from it. The GED was gonna change the next year and become harder I guess so I really needed to study for it because by this time it was late November. So, one day I decide to go down to my local Navy recruiter and just ask some questions and before I dropped out on the Navy website it says Navy SEALs take GED's. So I go down there and I just start asking questions about the Navy
  • The GED part 2

    So after a few min I asked if Navy SEALs take GED's and he says no they dont. So, at this point im like wow, on the website it says they do, and im just saying to myself Im gonna have to go back to school, but ill be another grade level behind, so I'll be 3 years behind my original graduating class. But I had to go back if I wanted to be a Navy SEAL, and I'd do anything to become a SEAL so I went tback to school. But not public school, I went to Primavera, where I am now.
  • Today part 2

    I just want school to edn already. Im so tired of it, I hate it so miuch I dont even know what year everything happened in, I guessed to be honest. All I want and know is to be in the military and I hope to retire or die there. I dont wanna go to college, after my expierence with school, heck no. I mean im gonna miss out on all the beautiful girls but I mean most of them are party heads and Im not about that life, I dont care if people drink or smoke but
  • Today part 3

    Today part 3
    I'd rather not be around those people. I wanna be around Navy SEALs. Thats all I want, I dont need a lot of money, a big house, a nice car, a good school record, I want a Navy SEALTrident on my chest.
  • Today

    Im pretty sure I got my years mixed up on my timeline but to be honest its becvause I've hated my life ever since I became a teenager. Im 18 now but im 2-3 years behind my original graduating class, who are now seniors this year. I've been screwed over by multiple schools in every single grade pretty much, and I just hate my life in general. Thats why I dropped out, hoping to escape this life and start a new one in my dream job in the Navy. I dont even know if im a sophmore or a Jr this year,