Progressive timeline

  • Pendleton civil service act

    Pendleton civil service act
    People could not hire just anyone into the government now, they had to be qualified.
  • Sherman anti trust act

    Sherman anti trust act
    Got rid of trade restrictions.
  • Homestead strike

    Homestead strike
    They tried to cut the wages of workers, which caused a strike to outbreak, which was a big turning point in industry.
  • First airplane flight

    First airplane flight
    Made by the Wright brothers.
  • Pure food and drug act, Meat inspection act

    Pure food and drug act, Meat inspection act
    Food had to go through higher inspection before consumption.
  • President Taft

    President Taft
    He helped with the federal income taxes, and had supported the amendments.
  • First Model T automobile

    First Model T automobile
    It was affordable enough at a price of $850, which would, sell to $260.

    Helped remove racial barriers, and found for the equality of all races.
  • President Wilson

    President Wilson
    He lead the country into World War I.
  • 16th amendment

    16th amendment
    16th- The Congress can now make taxes
  • 17th ammendment

    17th ammendment
    The direct election of senators
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    The coal miners were on strikes because they had low pay. They were then attacked, and 25 were killed, which was known as the Ludlow Massacre.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    Woman’s voting rights
  • President Roosevelt election

    President Roosevelt election
    He helped unemployed people.
  • Night of Terror

    Night of Terror
    33 women fought out for their rights in the streets. They were clubbed, beaten, and arrested.