Trust Busting Case 1
This was a case where Preident Theodore Roosevelt proved that he was a trust buster. He sued the Northern Security Company using the Sherman Anti-trust Act. This was a railroad trust formed by E.H. Harrisman, James J. Hill, J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockerfeller, and their accociates. -
Anthracite Coal Mine Strike
This was a strike by United Mine Workers Of America who were angerd because of their wages. They joined together and went on strike for higher wages, shorter work days, and recognition of their union. -
The Nationla Reclamation Act
This act was used to appropriate the reciepts from disposal of public lands in certain states and territories. -
The Jungle-Upton Sinclair
This was a book written about the harsh and disgustion conditions of the meat packing industry in Chicago and how harsh life was for the immigrants. -
Meat Inspection Act
The meat inspection act is a Unites States Congress Act which prevents misbranded meat and meat products from being sold as food. This aslo ensures that the meat is slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions. -
Trust Busting case 2
This case was a decision made by the United States Court which held that the combination in this case is one in restraint of trade and an attempt to monopolize the business of tobacco in interstate commerce within the prohibitions of the Sherman Anti- Trust act -
Trust Busting Case 3
John Rockereller expanded standard oil by buying out it's competitors and using the size the recieve benefits that are not available for smaller companies. This is a trust and was taken to the supreme court.