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Progressive Era Timeline

  • Passing of Pendleton Civil Service Act

    Passing of Pendleton Civil Service Act
  • Patent Year of the Comptometer

  • Passing of Sherman Anti Trust Act

    Passing of Sherman Anti Trust Act
  • Publication of “Lynch Law in all its Phases” By Ida B. Wells

    Publication of “Lynch Law in all its Phases” By Ida B. Wells
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
  • Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise Speech

    Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise Speech
  • Elected Day of President Theodore Roosevelt

    Elected Day of President Theodore Roosevelt
  • Passing of Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act

    Passing of Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act
  • First Model T Automobile

    First Model T Automobile
  • First Airplane Flight

    First Airplane Flight
  • Founding of NAACP by W.EB DuBois

    Founding of NAACP by W.EB DuBois
  • Elected Day of President William Howard Taft

    Elected Day of President William Howard Taft
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
  • Passing of 16th Amendment

    Passing of 16th Amendment
  • Washington D.C Suffrage Parade

    Washington D.C Suffrage Parade
  • Elected Day of President Woodrow Wilson

    Elected Day of President Woodrow Wilson
  • Passing of 17th Amendment

    Passing of 17th Amendment
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
  • “Night of Terror” suffrage arrests

    “Night of Terror” suffrage arrests
  • First “Silent Sentinel” Protest

    First “Silent Sentinel” Protest
  • Passing of 18th Amendment

    Passing of 18th Amendment
  • Passing of 19th Amendment

    Passing of 19th Amendment
  • First Commercial radio station broadcast

    First Commercial radio station broadcast