National American Women Suffrage Association
The National American Women Suffrage Association was founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony in hope of getting women the right to vote. During the Progressive Era, The National American Women Suffrage Association was an example of social justice reform. -
H.G. Wells
H.G. Wells was a writer and scientist who believed that there are scientific and rational solutions to social problems. He impacted the social reform movement in the Progressive Era due to articles he published that got his ideas out. -
Samuel M. Jones
Samuel M. Jones who was also known as "Golden Rule", pushed for reform in the city government. Once he was elected mayor, he improved municipal services, set a minimum wage for city workers, hauled the police force, and opened kindergartens for children. Without his contributions during the Progressive Era, Toledo would not of prospered in reform. -
Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson was elected as Cleveland's mayor. Due to his experience as a streetcar magnate, he was aware of how closeley buisness interest were tied to political bosses. He spent the majority of his time of being mayor working to ruin the ties. -
Eugene Debs
In the 1900 election, Eugene Debs ran for president under the socialist party. He spoke with promise for labor reform particularly pertaining to the railroad workers. Although Debs did not win the election, he still was an influence in the Progressive Era especially when it came to raising awareness about labor reform. -
Robert La Follette
Robert La Follette was sworn in as a governor in 1901 and remained as a governor until 1904. He increased taxes on railroads and public utilities such as gase and electric. He was a main player in public service reform during the Progressive Era. -
Wisconsin Idea
The Wisconsin Idea consisted of the concept of direct primary, which was where voters choose the canidates for office that will later run in a general election. In the Progressive Era, this was a part of election reform. -
Jane Addams
Jane Addams published a book, Democracy and Social Ethics which stated that democracy also meant a society where citizens showed empathy and concern for the poor. She was a part of the social reform movement during the Progressive Era. -
Muckracker: Ida Tarbell
In the Progressive Era, many used the written word to express their desire for change. Journalists such as Ida Tarbell wrote in magazines to publicize their views. Muckrackers touched base on labor reform, social reform and public service reform. -
Upton Sinclair
Upton Sinclair is famous mainly for his novel, The Jungle which brought the horrible conditions in the meat packing industry to light. The point of this novel was to protect the consumer, thus making this apart of the Progressive Era and the reform of protecting the consumer. -
Charles Evan Hughes
Charles Evan Hughes was a governor of New York who influenced government reform during the Progressive Era. He reformed and improved the processes and machinery of the government. -
Hepburn Act
The Hepburn Act in 1906 authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to set railroad rates and to regulate other companies engaged in interstate commerce such as pipelines and ferries. During the Progressive Era, the Hepburn Act reformed the railroads and overall transportation system by regulation. -
Meat Inspection Act/Pure Food and Drug Act
The Meat Inspection Act was the government inspection of meat shipped from one state to another. The Pure Food and Drug Act forbade manufacture, transportation, and patent of food that contained harmful incredients. Both of these acts were a part of the reform dedicated to protecting the consumer during the Progressive Era. -
William Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan had a large role in the Progressive Era. He promoted free silver and fought trusts and big banks. Bryan supported action for corrupt practices reform. -
William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft won the 1908 election and helped pass labor laws and mine safety laws. He was able to decrease the 10 hour long workdays to 8 hours for the miners. He also passed the 16th ammendment that put a national tax based on individual income. In the Progressive Era Taft was responsible for labor reform and tax reform. -
Hiram Johnson
Hiram Johnson was a governon in California who brought the democratic processes back by giving voters the right to take back state officers and place initiatives on the ballot. Hiram Johnson was responsible for government reform that took place during the Progressive Era. -
Society of American Indians
The Society of American Indians was formed by middle class Native Americans who were fighting for the natural born rights they felt they were entitled to. Gertrude S. Bonnin, one of the main founders of the society, played in major role in fighting for the Native Americans reform. She wanted to make sure they were given the same rights as others in the nation. -
Sixteenth Amendment
The 16th Amendment entailed a national tax that was based on individual's income. This made it so that those with low paying jobs were still able to be a part of society. This was one of the taxing reforms that took place during the Progressive Era. -
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson was a president from 1913 to 1921. He was responsible for lowing tariffs under the Underwood Tariff Act and for limiting the power of monopolies. In correlation to the Progressive Era he contributed with taxing and buisness reform. -
Underwood Tariff Act
The Underwood Tariff Act brought tariffs to the lowest they had ever been in fifty years and imposed a higher tax on those who have a higher income. The Underwood Tariff Act was a part of the Progressive Era as of it was a part of banking reform. -
Federal Reserve Act
The Federal Reserve Act act created a three level banking system. This was a step towards banking reform during the Progressive Era. -
Federal Trade Commission
The Federal Trade Commission was authorized to investigate corporations and those involved in unfair or fraudulent practices and to use courts to enforce its rulings. The Federal Trade Commission is an example of public service reform. -
Clayton Antitrust Act
The Clayton Antitrust Act was an addition to the Sherman Antitrust Act, companies could not sell goods to beat out competitiors and couldn't by competing company's stock to create a monopoly. The Clayton Antitrust Act relates to the Progressive Era because it was a part of buisness reform. -
Adamson Act
The Adamson Act reduced workday for railroad workers with no cut in pay. It was apart of the Progressive Era due to its contributions to labor reform. -
Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
The Keating-Owen Child Labor Act outlawed the interstate sale of products produced by child labor. In the Progressive Era, the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act was a part of child labor reform. -
Federal Farm Loan Act
The Federal Farm Loan Act provided low interest loans to farmers. The farmer's lives were improved in the Progressive Era due to the fact they were no longer in extreme debt and were able to care for their crops with the newest and most technologically advanced equipment. -
Federal Worker's Compensation Act
The Federal Workers Compensation Act provided benefits to federal workers injured on the job. This was a part of the labor reform in the Progressive Era. -
Eighteenth Amendment
The 18th Amendment made it so that the manufacture, sale, or importation of alcohlic beverages was illegal. This was all a part of the temperence reform in the Progressive Era. -
Nineteenth Amendment
The 19th Amendment granted women full voting rights. This was a big step as of people like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony had been fighting for women's suffrage reform. The 19th Amendment was a part of the Progressive Era due to it's relation to social justice reform.