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Progressive Era 1890-1920

  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    Authorized the federal government to institute proceedings against trusts in order to dissolve them
  • Plessy Vs Ferguson

    Plessy Vs Ferguson
    -Ruled that segregation was legal
    -"Separate but Equal"
    -Jim Crow laws
  • Anthracite Coal Strike

    Anthracite Coal Strike
    Coal miners went on strike,threatening the nation's coal supply.Lasted May 12-Oct 23,1902.
  • Theodore Roosevelt Became President

    Theodore Roosevelt Became President
    President Mckinley was assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt became president.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    Consumer Protection was a square deal.Roosevelt was outraged by the jungle and passed the act.Which also regulating food and drugs.Meat Inspection Act gave federal government authority to inspect meat.
  • Election of 1908

    Election of 1908
    -Roosevelt was popular but didnt wanna run for a third term
    -He hand picked William Taft to continue progressivism
    -Roosevelt popularity helped taft win the election
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    This law made it legal for congress to pass an income tax.Passed by congress July 2,1909 and ratiffed February 3,1913.
  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    Candidate:Theodore Roosevelt,Woodrow Wilson,William Taft,Eugene V. Debs.
    Results:Woodrow Wilson won the election.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    This law established the direct election of senators by citizens as a way to expand democracy and by pass the control of political machines.Passed by congress May 13,1912 and ratified on April 8,1913.
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    Clayton Anti-Trust Act
    -Law limited trusts further and helped small business compete
    -Helped labor
    -Legalized peaceful strikes
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    -Law established nationwide prohibition
    -Many progressives felt alcohol caused many problems and pushed for prohibition
    -21st amendment repealed this amendment
  • 19 Amendment

    19 Amendment
    -Law gave women suffrage nationwide
    -Passed June 4th 1919
    -Ratified August 18th 1920
  • Progress Era Ends

    Progress Era Ends
    -Events in WW1 helped end the progressive era
    -Led many reforms that improved life for americans
    -Conditions for blacks did not improve
    -Expanded the role of government
    -Federal government improving conditions in the united states