Progressive era

  • ALF formed

    ALF formed
    In 1886 Samual Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor. This was to improve the American workers work environment and wages.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act is passed

    Sherman Antitrust Act is passed
    This act prevented monopolies and trusts in American industries from taking over American systems.
  • Sierra Club is founded

    Sierra Club is founded
    This club was founded by environmentalists who decided to take a stand and keep the planet clean. They would do community service to clean up public places. They also had many protests.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes president
    Theodore Roosevelt becomes president and will be the longest lasting president of all in American history.
  • Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act are passed

    Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act are passed
    This act makes it necessary for the meats and everything to be in a sanitary. Without this act being passed, many people would be sick because of unclean foods.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    A fire broke out and workers could not get out. Many women died because of this and this brought to light many issues like poor working conditions and locked exits.
  • 16th, 17th Amendments Ratified

    16th, 17th Amendments Ratified
    The 16th and 17th amendment were created. The 16th amendment created federal income tax in the 17th amendment change times senators were elected. The 17th amendment made it possible for the people to have more power on senators who come into office.
  • Clayton Antitrust Act is passed

    Clayton Antitrust Act is passed
    This act was passed to clarify the Sherman anti-trust act. This act was essentially to clarify any miscommunications of the Sherman anti-trust act.
  • 18th Amendment is passed

    18th Amendment is passed
    The 18th amendment prohibited many things like the sale of alcohol which launched America into the prohibition era which destroyed many peoples lives.
  • 19th Amendment is passed

    19th Amendment is passed
    This amendment gave women the right to vote and was a big step in the women’s rights movement. Before this time women were not treated as equals.