Period: to
Progressive Era
From 1883 to 1933 -
Pendleton civil service act
Most positions within the federal Government should be awarded on the basis of merit. -
Sherman anti trust act
Act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. -
Homestead Strike
A battle between strikers and private security agents. -
Booker T Washington Atlanta Compromise Speech
The purpose was to showcase the economic progress of the south since the civil war. -
First airplane flight
The first ever successful flight made by the Wright brothers. -
Pure food and drug act
Consumer protection laws making food to be inspected. -
First Model T Automobile
The first Model T car [which was a Ford(best brand)] was produced. -
President Taft election
William H Taft was elected for President -
16th Amendment
The congress has power to collect taxes on income. -
17th Amendment
The senate of the United States will have 2 senators for each state creating 100 senators. -
President Wilson
Woodrow Wilson was elected as President of the United States. -
Washington DC suffrage Parade
A parade that took place in March of 1913 that was about women suffrage. -
Ludlow Massacre
A mass killing perpetrated by an anti striker militia. -
18th Amendment
Manufacturing, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquor is prohibited. -
19th Amendment
Women were allowed to vote. -
President Roosevelt
President Franklin D Roosevelt was elected President.