Progressive Era

  • Mckinley Assassinated

    Mckinley Assassinated
    -Shot in Buffalo, NY by anarchist
    -Died from complications days later
    -Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
  • Coal Strike

    Coal Strike
    -Pennsylvania miners go on strike
    -Demand higher wages and less hours
    -Threatened a coal shortage
    -After sending in military, compromise was reached.
  • Food and Drug Act

    Food and Drug Act
    -Ensured products were labeled correctly
    -Stopped poor factory situations affecting food condition
    -Regulated caffeine, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and morphine.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    -Shirtwaist factory catches fire killing 146 people
    -Workers trapped in the building due to the doors being locked shut
    -Majority of the woman were Eastern Europe immigrants
    -Worst industrial tradegy to date
    -Led to major factory saftey reforms that fueled the Progressive Era
  • Keating-Owens Act

    Keating-Owens Act
    -Opposes child labor
    -Makes it illegal for goods produced by children to be shipped across state lines
  • Alcohol Prohibition

    Alcohol Prohibition
    -18th Amendment created to help corruption and poverty.
    -Worked in Southern states, caused problems in North.
    -Repealed in 1933
  • Sherman Anti Trust Act

    Sherman Anti Trust Act
    -Put into effect to eliminate monopolies,
    -Made it a felony to monopolize, team up, or trade with foreign nations.
    -Later led to Clayton Act 1914