progressive era

  • Child labor laws are passed

    Child labor laws are passed
    laws were passed reducing childrens hours
  • roosevelt established first wildlife refuge

    roosevelt established first wildlife refuge
    roosevelt uses an executive order to start the wildlife refugee
  • ford motor company established

    ford motor company established
    Made first affordable car called the model t. Invented the assembly line
  • Swift Company v. United States

    Swift Company v. United States
    Very big supreme court case. controversial as well
  • Industrial Workers of America is Established

    Industrial Workers of America is Established
    labor union that fought for the rights of factory workers
  • The book The Jungle is published

    The book The Jungle is published
    book writen about the harsh and cruel lives of immigrants.
  • Pure Food and Drug act is passed

    was one of the first measures taken for consumer protection
  • Meat Inspection Act is passed

    Meat Inspection Act is passed
    prohibited sale of adulterated meat. More producer protection acts
  • NAACP is established

    NAACP is established
    was a civil rights movement group. fought for the rights of colored people
  • sumner and social darwinism

    sumner and social darwinism
    made several pieces of social darwinism
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    large factory fire. deadliest fire in their history
  • Federal Reserve is established

    Federal Reserve is established
    way to stabilise economy and introduce federal bank
  • 16th Amendment is passed

    16th Amendment is passed
    allows congress to have an income tax Needed to pay off debts
  • 17th Amendment is passed

    17th Amendment is passed
    Allows voters to vote for senators. Were just picked by the state legislature before
  • women get the right to vote

    women get the right to vote
    19th amendment is passed and women are aloud to vote.