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Progressive era

By gbott
  • Period: to

    Progress to World power

  • Illinois consitiution

    Illinois consitiution
    Stated the Railroad is public and paaed law to establish mex rales and did not allow discrimination
  • The Party Deadlock

    Democrats and Republicans begin to switch roles
    Democrats move towards state rights
    Republicans move more towards Goverment's progressive power
    Federal power decreases
    State power increases
  • State involvement

    States begin regulating factories and rail roads
  • Maun VS Ill

    Maun VS Ill
    Declares that any private property must submit to the control of the public for public good
  • interstate commerce Act

    interstate commerce Act
    Led to the creation of the interstate commerce comission.
    Ivestigates and oversees rail road acts
  • Garfield

    Garfield elected
    Mostly asserted his power in his party
  • National farmer's alliance established

    National farmer's alliance established
    Discussed problems about drought, morgages and low crop prices
    Sponcered social and ecomic programs
    Rejected Deomocratic and republic platforms
  • Period: to


    America began to expand its power
  • Assassination

    Garfield assassinainted
  • Cleveland

    Cleveland elected
    asserts Federal Goverment
    Navy construction
  • Republicans come to power

    Republicans take control of white house
  • Ben Harrison Elected

    Ben Harrison Elected
    Fan of big buissness
    Shrunk Corpret power
    Increased tarrifs
  • Sherman anti trust act

    Sherman anti trust act
    Act that broke down any cartels so corperations could not gain too much power
  • Woman sufferage

    Woman sufferage
    National American Woman Suffrage Association formed
  • US attempts so free cuba from Spain

    Us uses propaganda to get people to fight Spain
  • Us colnizes Philipeans

    Us colnizes Philipeans
    US tries to colonies Philipeans
    Emilio Aguinaldo causes philipeanos to rebel
  • Clevand Elected again

    Clevand Elected again
  • Panic of 1893

    Panic of 1893
    Buisnesses fail
    Banks closed
    Rail Roads companies run out of buisness
  • Mckinley elected

    Mckinley elected
    Mckinley apart of Republic party
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii anexed into America
    Seen as stratigic naval location
    Easy place to trade with Asia
  • USS Maine goes boom

    USS Maine goes boom
    US Maine sunk in Havana Harbor
    Spanish blamed for sinking
    258 me died
  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

    Spanish and US fight
  • Period: to


    Chinese immegrants banned
    Non English speakers were considered problems
    Programs to Americanize immegrants
    Literacy test admitted
    Mexican Immegration icreases
  • Open Door policy

    Open Door policy
    America wants to be included in trading with China
  • Rebellion stopped

    Rebellion stopped
    Reblellion crushed
    US replaces military with civil rule
  • Mckinly assassinated

    Mckinly assassinated
    Mckinly killed Roosovelt takes place
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    Roosevelt elected
  • Suit against Northern Securities Company

    Suit against Northern Securities Company
    Teddy Roosevelt reputed trust buster
    sued Norther Securities Company
  • Strike

    Minors Uninion Went on Strike
    Nearly ruined Pennsylvania's economy
  • Northern-Securities dissolved

    Northern-Securities dissolved
    Teddy won Northern-Securities Company dissolved
  • Niagra movement

    Niagra movement
    NACCP created by WED DuBois
    DuBois pushed for equal rights to blacks
    Booker Washington said blacks should start from the bottom and work there way up
  • Meat inspection Act

    Meat inspection Act
    The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair showed the poor condition shwed the horrid conditions of bucher factories
    Enacted Meat inspection Act
    Also Food and Drug act causong facotries to list ingrediants and banned certain drugs
  • Model T comes out

    Model T comes out
    Model T comes out
    Make it easier for transportation
  • Henry For inovation

    Henry For inovation
    Ford transforms auto industry
  • Taft Elected

    Taft Elected
    Very poor President
    Concidered incomiteant and weak
    But considered better trust buster than Roosevelt
    Oh and extremely fat
  • MannElkins act

    MannElkins act strengthens ICC
    ICC empowered to fix railroads
    Progressive Republicans attacked Taft’s plan of a Commerce Court to hear ICC appeals
    Progressives obstructed Taft’s negotiations
  • Maneging Machines

    Maneging Machines
    Freddrick Taylor pushed for scientific managment of machines
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company

    Triangle Shirtwaist Company
    Shows risk of facotries
    Renovation of facotires begin
  • Temprance movement part 2

    Temprance movement part 2
    Woman creat temprance movement to stop men from getting to drunk
    Stop wife beatings
    18th admentmant
    19 state prohibit alcohol
  • Woodrew Wilson elected

    Woodrew Wilson elected
    Democrats take White house again
  • 17th admenment

    17th admendment passed direct election of senetors
  • War in Europe

    War in Europe
    World War one breaks out
    Wilson pushes for neutrality
  • Panema Canal opened

    Panema Canal opened
    Panema Canal opened after 10 years of building with the help of Roosevelt
    Helped with quicker trade and movement of naval fleets
  • Period: to

    World war 1

    World war 1
  • This is how war starts

    This is how war starts
    German U-boat sinks Lusitania an american civilan ship
  • Highway

    Government opens highways
  • Child rights

    Child rights
    Keating-Owen Act limited Child labor
    declared unconsitutional
    Dewy pushed for child education
  • Trying to stay neutral

    Wilson issued ultimatum: call off attacks on cargo and passenger ships or U.S.–German relations would be severed
  • Trying to stay neutral

    Sussex Pledge—Germany pledges to honor U.S. neutrality
  • Dept

    allied nations owed US 2 billion dollars
  • Time to fight

    Time to fight
    German U-boats begin to fire on US ships again
    Wilson orders Navy to fire on U-Boats
    US declares war on Germany
    US send 200,000 troops
  • Belle Woods

    Belle Woods
    US Marines Protected France from Germans
    Pushed Germans back
    Marines succesfully protected France
    French gave Belle Woods to the Marines in their honor
    Germans gave the Marines the nickname Teufel Hunden translated in english to be Devil Dogs
  • woman sufferage

    woman sufferage
    19th admenment passed